Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stop Dunwoody Village Parkway Project

Congratulations to our new Mayor and Council Members. Dunwoody Citizens have entrusted you with the honor of leading our City. We heard your words of encouragement in this time of economic uncertainty and your expressed goals for sustainability and responsible fiscal stewardship. As you take on this honor I ask not only you but all of our Council Members, did you hear us?

In our vote on November 8, and December 6, 2011, we sent you strong, clear messages that we do not want our City run by outsiders who serve nothing but their own interests and we oppose unrestrained spending. The Council should put a moratorium on all projects, even those vetted when we were being assured the “bust” would be short-lived.

Moving forward means more than just continued spending. It also means forward thinking to provide a stability that will move us toward a secure future. We must deal with the Dunwoody of today and work to preserve our City.

It would be forward thinking for the Council to work to regain the trust of people. You don’t believe trust was lost? A 2:1 ratio against your plans and your candidates clearly tells you it was!

It is always wise in any situation to STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN!
STOP – all unnecessary and non-progressive projects. The removing of two traffic lanes at the Dunwoody Village entrance makes absolutely no sense even if the Feds are providing some funding! That is like burning down your house because you do not like the color and the Feds hand you a match!
LOOK – to improve areas of need through code enforcement, community involvement and forward thinking. Was a solution other than demolition of areas of blight and crime even considered?
LISTEN – to the message sent to you by the Citizens! Our message was strong and clear!

As I write this, Channel 2 News just aired a segment that the State of Georgia announced that seasonal revenue increases would be held onto in order to build up reserves. Is it possible that at least one state government is finally getting the right idea? Let’s hope Dunwoody will become the first city to do so.

Jeanette Smith
Dunwoody, GA

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