Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rotten to the Common Core – Part #1

--By Bill Evelyn on --

The Phony Debate over Education

Over the next few months politicians at town-hall meetings will be supporting and opposing the Common Core being rolled-out by the Obama administration. What will not be told to you is that Common Core is a culmination of 100 years of intervention in education by the political class; especially the Utopian dreamers bent on producing equality of outcomes for everyone. Make no mistake Common Core is the final intervention by the state to ensure that the wealth of the nation flows into a small few.

“Despite the century-long harangue that schooling was the cure for unevenly spread wealth, exactly the reverse occurred – wealth is 250 percent more concentrated at century’s end than at its beginning.” 1 With inflation factored in the average purchasing power of a couple in 1995 was less than a single working man in 1905. Over the past century this decline in prosperity required both spouses to enter the work force and turned government schools into a full-time baby sitter. This “government schooling has made people dumber, not brighter; made families weaker, not stronger; ruined formal religion with its hard sell exclusion of God; set the class structure in stone by dividing children in classes and setting them against one another; and has been the midwife to an alarming concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a fraction of the national community.” 2 Unless we understand how our current government schooling evolved we will never understand how rotten Common Core really is.

Our current government school set up evolved from a cocktail of the Brahman schools in India and the Prussian school mindset of the late 19th century. The Brahman schools were designed to maintain the class structure in India. The Brahman or the highest caste took up the task of educating the poorer castes. It was designed to enforce the caste system and protect social order. Students were given menial tasks and were trained to accept their lot in life. This system of schooling was imported into the British Isles in the mid 18th Century by an Anglican Missionary Andrew Bell. He found it to be the perfect method to recruit students and train them to be good Anglican faithful. While Mr. Bell’s intention was to create good little Anglicans, the Prussian model sought to create good little soldiers and ministers of the state.

In the late 19th Century everything German was all  the fad in the United States. A growing caste of very wealthy individuals decided to structure our schools to model the Brahman/ Prussian school system. By the end of the 19th Century government schools were teaching lower-class children obedience under the guise of learning to read and do their sums. The system included the pedagogue – Latin meaning a specialized type of slave that teaches the school masters curriculum. The master (bureaucrats) creates the curriculum and the pedagogue (teacher) pounds it in to the students mind. Every teacher should realize he/she is a social servant vested with the responsibility to churn out state approved workers and taxpayers. This is why every teacher needs to possess a state approved certificate and if that teacher strays from the curriculum they are punished and abused. Now occasionally a parent brings a problem to the teacher and the matter ends up being debated until finally ends in frustration with no real change. The bureaucracy is so large, so rich, rife with unions, and corrupted by government funding it is gobbling up the civil society. Common Core is no different.

“Common Core is part of an effort to implement regionalism, the replacement of local governments by regional boards of federally appointed bureaucrats, who in turn are beholden to international bodies. Regionalism will eliminate the freedom parents now have in choosing neighborhoods with good schools because tax funds will be distributed equally. There will be no escape in home schooling or private schools either, because the curriculum will follow national tests. Students will be tracked through mandatory state records that will then be accessible to Washington bureaucrats. Ultimately, all students will be subject to education mandates implemented by Obama’s radical cronies.” 3 This is not from the black helicopter conspiracy crowd.

The regional boards are not elected School Board members we select every four years. In fact, if Common Core comes online we can actually do away with our School Board members. All taxes are paid into one pot and will be distributed equally across the region. There is no reason to move to a better school district that will impact your home values. Home schooled children will be required to pass the Common Core GED exam, meaning parents will need to teach their children the Common Core curriculum. Private schools will also follow national tests and students will be required to possess a “Dangan”. The “Dangan” is used in China and follows a citizen through their entire life. It keeps track and logs their performance in school, how they think, what they’ve done, and where they have worked. In fact, you can’t be employed in China without a “Dangan”. This is the mandatory record that Common Core requires.

Common Core is the final phase in state run education to create the perfect citizen for the new global society. In our world of government schooling Thomas Edison would have been put into special education and probably lost his self-ambition to create the light bulb. George Washington’s mother would be jailed for not committing her son to school until 11 years of age. Andrew Carnegie’s mother forced Andrew to attend school at 13 much to his chagrin. Carnegie was already into his career of becoming the wealthiest steel magnate in the nation. Yet, all three could read and write before they went to school and already had prodigious businesses started.

In the beginning government schools had nothing to do with children, parents, or communities. It was designed to create a centralized industrialized economy and powerful political state. Woodrow Wilson gave a speech in front of some businessmen prior to World War 1. He said;

“We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class of necessity, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

It is clear that government schools are charged to create classes or tools of the state. It assumes there are massive numbers of dumb children, otherwise we would not need all these masses of bureaucrats to care for them. I have never met any of these dumb children when I went to school.

In part two we are going to snoop into the moral dilemma Common Core creates. Parents entrust their children, their most important gift, with complete strangers.

1Charles Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Education, Oddyseus, 412 pages, page 74.

2Ibid, page 74.

3Mary Graber, Terrorist Professor Bill Ayers and Obama’s Federal School Curriculum, September 21, 2012

 Source: New Georgia Republican Leadership for Principles above Politicians <>

About Bill Evelyn

Bill Evelyn was raised in the village of Oaks in Valley Forge, PA. Upon graduation from university, Bill entered the United States Air Force and flew F-4 Phantoms in the Philippines, Korea, Europe, did an exchange tour on the USS Midway. Bill has lived in Forsyth County since 2000, longer than any other place in his life. Bill is active in the tea party and Republican Party.

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