Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Can the GOP Unite as Constitutionalists

We have good news.  We have the Democrats in the Senate scrambling to demand Obamacare damage control to avoid losing their Senate seats in 2014 and groups of Constitutional citizens spontaneously arriving in DC.  The motorcycle cavalcade came first, followed by truckers for the Constitution, then veterans and lately, the million mask march in DC and 456 other locations world-wide inspired by the movie “V”. We have 90 million unemployed, 150 million uninsured and 200 million Anti-Communist citizens eligible to vote.  So, what’s the problem ? 

We have bad news.  We have the establishment Republicans, who brought you the losing campaigns of 2008 and 2012 raising money from Wall Street and promising to keep the QE money printing rolling to keep the stock market propped up. They would be just as happy with Hillary.  We have establishment Republicans who repeat Democrats’ talking points. 
We have a GOP who by some decades-old court order, cannot object to voter fraud by Democrats. We need States to investigate and prosecute voter fraud now, in order to prevent voter fraud in 2014 and 2016.

The GOP was either unable or unwilling to stop the fraud in the elections of 2008 and 2012, including the determination of Obama’s eligibility to run.  This wasn’t questioned at the Federal level or in any State, despite the fact that Obama was an Indonesian citizen with a fake Social Security Card.  Videos of Chicago Bears fans pouring off buses into Wisconsin polling places was caught on tape, but never investigated or prosecuted.
We have a Marxist-leaning press who refuse to admit that global warming is a hoax, the UN wants to become our world-government, Agenda 21 is real and Obama is a Marxist, who should be impeached for destroying the balance of powers in the federal government, adding $5 trillion to the debt, recruiting a Gestapo, canceling our Bill of Rights, trampling the Constitution and setting up our economy to crash in a decades-long period of stagflation.

We have Constitutionalists who want unnecessary regulations pared back, oil and natural gas drilling to increase, manufacturing to return to the U.S., federal spending cut by $1 trillion a year, unconstitutional federal departments abolished and transferred to the States, Agenda 21 implementation cancelled, UN membership cancelled and the Fed audited,
The Constitutionalist message is simple.  Cut federal spending to balance the budget and make money printing unnecessary.  If we remove unnecessary regulations and allow our markets to function, investors will invest and the economy will begin to improve. Interest rates will need to be raised to meet markets and the stock market and our economy will adjust back to reflect real market conditions.

All Republican candidates will claim to be Constitutionalists and the only way to find out if they are, is by pulling up their voting records on websites like the New American Freedom Index and  
The RNC Platform Committee is clearly a Constitutional group, but the fund-raising and candidate picking part of the RNC is not.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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