Monday, November 18, 2013

ObamaCare Endgame

Ron Bartels posted in Republican Liberty Caucus

The roll out of ObamaCare is a disaster designed to force us into a single payer system as part of the New World Order Plan. 

Of course, the roll out was not supposed to be greeted with so much animous.  The front loaded "free benefits" included in ObamaCare were designed to put pressure on politicians to finish the job by passing the single payer plan as a fix.  (The free benefits are paid for in excessive premiums and extremely large deductibles.) 

The way that ObamaCare was designed, was to force failure followed by migration to the single payer plan.  The fly in the ointment has been the preponderance of perception of so many Americans as to what is really taking place.

ObamaCare introduced many new taxes upon the masses.  A massive sales tax on the sale of real estate, a sales tax on medical equipment and a sales tax on all insurance policies, buried in the premiums are just a few of the taxes.  The real estate sales tax design should alarm everyone.  Just like the income tax, in the beginning, it applied only to the wealthy.  Later the income tax applied to everyone.  The same will happen when the single payer system is rolled out, to pay for the healthcare system.

Denial of care is built in all healthcare plans designed by central governments.  The members of the NWO experimented with many versions before they implemented the takeover of the American HealthCare system.  To force healthcare providers to kneel at the throne of big government,  the plans call for the impoverishment of physicians.  The numbers of physicians must be severely reduced in order for big government to reduce world population to the stated goal of one-half billion from almost seven billion persons.

Many Americans have a dedicated, deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are not those being deceived by the launch of the one world church.  Millions of Christians pray daily and those prayers release the power of the most Holy Lord of Hosts to interfere with the Luciferian Agendas.

With that much prayer, by so many Christ Followers, it is no wonder that God is causing so much confusion in the ranks of the NWO.  Their lies are exposed, their agendas tattered as more and more people are joining the ranks of Christ Followers.  The covert operations of the NSA have been exposed and compromised.  It will take quite some effort to reconstruct portions of these shattered agendas.

There have been numerous and countless urgent meetings amongst the leaders of all the secret societies with the goal of getting all covert operations back on track.  The political polling is so unfavorable that even the voting machine tampering techniques are being exposed.  This has been to focus of numerous meetings with programmers under contract.  New contracts have been designed by several law firms to deploy new non circumvention confidentiality agreements with all providers.

Every aspect of a person's life must be monitored and controlled.  Another part of the New World Order plan is to begin the process of wiping out all international borders beginning in the United States.  That will begin with the passage of the new immigration bill now before Congress and pushed by the Fascists in the United States Chamber of Commerce.  The bill has a hidden agenda of importing huge numbers of Islamic people from other parts of the globe.  All it takes is a presidential order. 

Sample presidential orders have been circulating for over nine years as of now.  They have been highly refined, ready for the manufactured crises in other parts of the globe for purposes of justification.  The numbers of these folks now planned for immigration and quick authorization to vote is due to the setbacks in voting machine manipulation.

To reduce conflicts between people groups, the NWO is planning on keeping the most compliant people alive to serve the oligarchy, they have planned for a One World Church and a One World Political Party.  It is necessarily a Fascist Political Structure because Fascism is the collusion between Big Government and Big Business.

The main public phase of the One World Religion here in the United States is Chrislam, which is headed by Rick Warren, who was a covert member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) but who is now an overt member of the CFR.  He is charged with merging Christianity and Islam and then joining it with the cooperation of the New Papacy in Rome to the Roman Catholic Church.

The number of pastors who have become deceived and ultimately given over to reprobation is large and growing.  The war between God and Mammon is clearly evident with may NWO pastors cultivating crops of naive folks with prosperity now doctrines of men, twisting the Word of God in violation to the scriptural command to rightly divide the Word of Truth.

The grandest deception of all is the Purpose Driven Church in place of the New Testament Church.  They have laudable works, which the Lord of Hosts forewarned were as filthy rags.  It is the salvation of souls, not false conversions that matters to the Lord of Hosts.

In order to make it easier to control the evangelical churches here in the United States, Lyndon Johnson introduced the incorporation of churches as nonprofit corporations back in 1954.  When churches incorporate, they lose some of the free speech rights.  It is in the statutes though not seriously enforced at this juncture.  It will become strictly enforced in the near future.

Source: ©2013 by Ron Bartels, JD, Ph.D., all rights reserved.  Redistribution is authorized if unaltered, fully attributed and distributed free of charge.  No distribution for sale, or by membership fee is authorized and violators will be prosecuted under Intellectual Property Rights Law.  (As long as you do not charge any money for the reading this writing, nor make this content available by charging a membership fee to read, you may share this article unaltered, in it entirety with full attribution.)

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