Sunday, December 8, 2013

Paul Broun for US Senate

Georgia senate candidate Paul Broun and health care reform

Paul Broun By Bert Loftman

Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. is a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat that Senator Saxby Chambliss is vacating. Dr. Broun introduced a health care reform bill, H.R. 2900 that he refers to as the “Patient Option Act.” It is a 51 page bill that he says “repeals ObamaCare and replaces it with several commonsense solutions”
One of these solutions would, “Expand choice and competition by mandating federal regulations to states so that consumers can shop for health insurance across state lines.” In the Congressional Record Broun gives a statement about the Constitutional Authority for this bill. In it, he lays the groundwork for federalism by saying that this bill, “Reinforces the founding constitutional principle that state governments and individuals are properly situated with attending to their own health, safety, and general welfare.”

This is a good statement about the role of federalism and most of his bill tries to repeal federal laws, including ObamaCare. However, mandating to states how they regulate health care is not one of our constitutional principles.
Another of his solutions “will allow individuals to deduct 100 percent of their health care expenses, including insurance.” This is an improvement over the current system of only allowing deductions when employers own the insurance policies. However it falls short, because when an employer takes part of a workers wages to pay for health insurance premiums, workers do not have to pay payroll taxes on this part of their wages.

Broun supports H.R. 25 for the Fair Tax. This replaces the income tax with a national sales tax. Ending the income tax would give real tax equity for individuals and employers. It would also give tax equity to individuals paying for insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. It is also very popular with Georgia conservative voters.
Congressman Broun’s idea for health care reform is to further complicate the income tax codes, decrease federal regulations, and mandate common sense solutions to states.

As a conservative, he should advocate free market medical care. Free markets occur spontaneously and cannot be legislated. Government legislations can only distort free markets and the biggest distortion comes from the income tax and Federal Reserve Bank.
Source: Paul Broun by Bert Loftman
Atlanta Healthcare Policy Examiner, August 23, 2013

As a Constitutionalist, I support Paul Broun for US Senate and encourage Georgia voters to ensure that he is elected.  His voting record as a Constitutionalist gives him the highest voting scores on multiple Conservative voting record websites.

His Patient Option Act (HR 2900) removes healthcare from cost increasing federal meddling and restores free-market discipline to lower costs. This resets the rules to where they were when healthcare was actually affordable.  It allows consumers to determine insurance coverage and cost. It is the only Constitutional Bill offered for healthcare.
His support of the Fair Tax (HR 25) is consistent with the eventual removal of the income tax code and the “trickle up” wealth redistribution it creates.

His support of the US Constitution (as written) is needed to restore freedom and the true free market economics needed to restore the US economy.
His wisdom and grasp of the issues are needed to ensure that our transition from stagflation to prosperity includes the right steps in the right order to minimize the pain. He knows we must first reverse the job-killing policies that have been imposed over the past 20 years to lift US citizens back to full employment.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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