Sunday, November 15, 2015

Solving the Muslim Problem

Multiculturalism doesn’t work when one culture wants to destroy the other. This was a dumb liberal idea and we’re paying the price for being too timid to stop them.

Close the Borders to Muslims
It’s time for all western countries to close their borders to any more Muslims refugees or immigrants.

Send Muslim Refugees Back
The west needs to send Muslim refugees back to their home countries. This means setting up safe zones inside their countries of origin. The European Muslim migration program must stop and be reversed.

Deport Muslims
The west need to deport Muslims who are connected to aggressive Muslim groups. Muslim populations should not exceed 1% of any western country’s population. Muslims need to move back to Muslim countries.

Muslim Western Citizens
Radicalized Muslim citizens need to move from the western countries they hate.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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