Friday, January 19, 2024

Be Careful Who You Vote For 11924

Voters need to be informed and understand the consequences of electing politicians who would crash their economies and destroy their countries. 

Communism is a failed economic system that denies private ownership of land and businesses. Socialism is another failed economic system where government welfare is part of the scam.  Impoverished populations are particularly vulnerable to Communist and Socialist promises and propaganda. Well-managed Capitalism is the best system where citizens can vote, prices are controlled by supply and demand, citizens can own property, prosper and be free from government and criminal abuse. Families have been the dominant social unit since caveman days and should be the main custodians of family wealth. Families need to be wary of power-hungry politicians who would rob them of their wealth.

Communism was introduced by Karl Marx in 1848 who called for the poor to overthrow their governments and redistribute the wealth of its citizens. Most countries had unpopular monarchies and high levels of poverty. Rulers used force to motivate workers. Marxism became popular with some intellectuals. Would-be dictators saw Marxism as a way to seize assets and replace monarchs. It ignored self-reliance and missed the point that incentives fueled productivity. It ignored human nature.

World War I began in 1914 and resulted in economic devastation throughout Europe. World War I was triggered when Austro-Hungary invaded Serbia and was joined by Germany and the Ottoman Empire to form the Axis countries. Russia declared war on Germany and the rest of the European countries followed and became the Allies. The war became a stand-off in 1917 and the US joined the Allies to defeat the Germans in 1918. Populations on all sides were devasted, unhappy and angry. Marxist Intellectuals led by Lenin planned a Communist takeover of Russia with the help of disgruntled returning Russian troops. The Communist Revolution was successful. Russia’s Monarchy was overthrown after 1918 and was replaced by the USSR.

In Germany after 1918, the anger over World War I and the reparations imposed in the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression of the 1930s found the German Communists battling for control against the Nationalists led by the NAZI Party. In 1933, German voters elected the NAZI Party and Hitler was appointed Chancellor. He was driven by revenge over Germany’s defeat in World War I. Hitler’s election caused World War II, over-expanded and was defeated in 1944.

In 1945 after World War II, the USSR took control over Eastern European countries that were liberated by Russian troops. This overexpansion would eventually cause the USSR to go broke,

In 1946, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed to protect European countries from invasion

In 1948, the UK and UN created Israel to restore the homeland of the Jews  Neighboring Muslims began to attack the Jews in 1948 and continue to attack Israel.

In 1959, Cuba’s government was overthrown by Fidel Castro. He established a Communist Government, seized all private land and doomed their economy. Cuba is a failed state.

Korea was divided into North (Communist) and South (Capitalist) in 1945.  The North invaded the South in 1950 The Korean War began in 1950 and ended in 1953, with a treaty that moved borders back to their original positions. North Korea is a failed state.

Vietnam’s Communist Party began in 1930 and Vietnam was separated in 1945, North Vietnam became Communist and South Vietnam remained Capitalist. North Vietnam attempted to invade South Vietnam. The US began to assist South Vietnam in the 1960s. The Vietnam War lasted from 1965 to 1975 and North Vietnam won.

Canada’s voters elected Pierre Trudeau as Prime Minister in 1968. He served until 1984. His son Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister in 2015. He is woke and has ruined Canada. Canadian voters need to elect more Conservatives to their Parliament that totals 338 seats. The Liberal Party holds 158 seats. The Conservative Party holds 117 seats Block Quebec holds 32. New Dem Party holds 25.  Green Party 2 Independent Party 3. Parliament Seat votes are set for 2025.

Venezuela’s voters elected Hugo Chavez as President in 1999. He served until 2013. He nationalize their oil industry and created a Communist government. Nicolas Maduro was elected in 2013. He destroyed the economy and refugees moved to other countries.  Venezuela is a failed state.

In 1990 Poland elected Lech Walesa and became politically independent from the USSR.

In 1991, the USSR was dissolved, gave up its remaining Eastern European satellite countries plus Ukraine and became the Russian Republic.

In 1993, the European Union was founded

In 1999 the Euro became a currency

In 2000, Russian voters elected Putin as President. He decimated opposition and was re-elected in 2012. He is set to rule until 2036. Russia has a 1 Party system. Putin wants to expand and recapture previously Russian dominated countries.

Gaza voters elected Hamas in 2006. They have not held elections for 17 years and have launched missile attacks against Israel ever since. The current war between Israel and Gaza is underway and refugees have not been allowed to move to other countries because they refuse to take them. Egypt doesn’t want any Hamas terrorists and Jordan doesn’t want more dumb citizens.  Palestine is a failed state.

Zimbabwe experienced hyperinflation in 2008. They have a one-Party system whose leaders were stupid.  Zimbabwe is a failed state.

The US experienced the Great Recession in 2008 that resulted from US government Democrat support for giving home mortgages to unqualified borrowers. This resulted in defaults and a government bail-out of Banks.

US voters elected Barak Obama, a Democrat who was raised as a Muslim Communist. Obama packed the Agencies with Marxist Globalists, attacked private property and bribed poor voters with “free stuff”. He proved that US voters were just as dumb as European voters

In 2014 Ukraine’s voters in Crimea voted to rejoin the Russian Republic.

In 2016, UA voters elected Donald Trump. He lowered corporate taxes. He lowered income taxes. He gave US companies incentives to restore manufacturing back to the US.  He increased oil and natural gas production and pipeline construction to lower energy prices and make the US energy independent. He proved that war could be replaced by total economic isolation of bad acting countries. He enforced current laws, built the border wall and reduced illegal immigration with effective policies. His lower energy prices prevented Iran and Russia from threatening Israel and Ukraine. He got NATO countries to increase their support. He sent US Special Forces to remove ISIS terrorist groups. He reduced US military deaths in Afghanistan to zero. He designed a withdrawal from Afghanistan that would have continued US control over a military air field and prison. He established the Abraham Accords to unite Arab countries as allies of Israel. He imposed Tariffs on Chinese imports. He eliminated unnecessary regulations to allow US economic growth. He reduced US unemployment and increased US household income. He kept inflation at 1.5% and mortgage rates under 3%. He delivered the best economy in US history.

In 2020, US voters elected Joe Biden.  Biden reversed Trump policies on energy and the border. He increased inflation to 20 to 30%. He increased the National Debt to $34 trillion. He opened the border and increased illegal immigration to 12 million per year.  Biden removed economic restrictions from Iran and screwed up the US withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving $800 billion in military equipment to the Taliban. Because of low production of Oil, prices soared from $40 per barrel to $90 per barrel.  This gave Russia the money to invade Ukraine with higher oil prices. This gave Iran money to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and other terrorist proxies. US inflation soared along with mortgage rates and interest rates causing housing to slump and increases in rentals, food and transportation. Biden allowed 8 million illegal migrants to invade the US, creating more unnecessary costs to US taxpayers. Biden promotes EV mandates despite the fact that nobody will buy them. Biden promotes moving from fossil fuels to wind and solar after Europe learned that doesn’t work. Biden ignores the fact that US voters think Climate Change is a hoax.  Biden ignores enforcing current laws and crime is soaring. It is clear that Biden is serving out Obama’s 3rd term. Biden is a puppet and Obama pulls the strings.  

In 2021 Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine to reincorporate it back into the Russian Republic.

In 2023, Iran-backed Hamas attacked Israel and Israel is removing Hamas from Gaza

In 2024, Trump is likely to replace Biden.

The lessons are clear. Voters should not vote for government leaders who are Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Globalists, Marxist, Terrorists or are otherwise not smart enough to manage their economies. Voters should elect government leaders who support citizen family land ownership, private property rights and the rule of law for its voters.

I expect that Trump will save us from ourselves in 2024.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



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