The cost of political campaigns is too high and supports US political corruption.
Campaign contributions should be limited to “Voters Only”. Voters should be restricted to contribute no more than $1000 and only for candidates who appear on their ballot. This puts all candidates on an even footing and ends expensive TV “Hit Job” ads. Candidates would have enough money to provide yard signs and travel to meetings with voters to answer questions.
Candidates should be required to have a website that includes their political party, their position on issues, their education, their full work resume and full biography along with their contribution button. Election Officials would be responsible for certifying compliance before they collect the filing fee and allow the candidate to file.
Political Parties should vet all of their candidates with confirmation of their resumes and positions and certify their accuracy. Political Parties would also be responsible for providing volunteers and lawyers to monitor vote counts. Voting machines would need to be certified.
Industry Groups and Corporations would still have access to elected officials, but would not be allowed to make campaign contributions.
Elections are controlled by States and each State would need to pass laws to include these limits. The US Congress should pass the same Campaign Finance Laws requiring all States to use the same campaign finance law in their State Constitutions.
Voters would be required to show their Drivers’ Licenses or Picture ID. Early Voting in large cities may be needed, but should be uniform and limited to 1 week.
States would be required to maintain accurate Voter Rolls and count their ballots on time and be forced to pay Federal Fines for non-compliance.
Election integrity should be required. The current state of Cyber Security still allows Bad Actors to hack our data. Our utilities and financial systems continue to be vulnerable. AI should be able to allow us to eliminate the fraudulent data and will allow us to identify valid citizens to fix fraudulent political districts to determine the number of House Members each State will get. DOGE Audits are exposing the weaknesses in our current Social Security System and their audits should allow the US to remove fraudulent data and prosecute the fraud. An accurate database of Citizens should allow the US to implement E Verify for all US employers. This will eliminate all illegals. It should end Identity Theft and Title Theft.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
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