Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Constitution Party

The Constitution Party of Georgia website describes their positions
Submitted by ronnehaag on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 21:39
We, the members of the Constitution Party of Georgia, in order to set forth the principles upon which this party is founded, and to articulate those issues about which this party is now duly concerned, and in order to direct the officers and members of this party regarding the actions to be taken related to those issues, do ordain this platform.

In so doing we acknowledge, and fear the God of the Bible as the Creator, Supreme Judge, Lawgiver and King. We solemnly declare that the foundation of our political position and motivating principle of our political activity is our full submission and unshakable faith in our Savior and Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, the principles and the platform of our party are rightly derived from Biblical presuppositions.

We acknowledge the legacy of our Founding Fathers who believed that “a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles” is essential to securing liberty and good government. We further acknowledge our heritage as a Christian nation as confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court when it ruled in 1892 “…that our laws and our institutions must be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind…” It is confirmed by human experience and evidenced by history that “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

We hereby look to Him for wisdom, guidance, boldness, compassion, humility, and endurance as we seek to restore and preserve our communities and our nation. We acknowledge the fallen condition of the human race and look to Jesus Christ as our only hope for personal and cultural salvation.

The Constitution Party of Georgia holds candidates accountable to this platform in their policies and the execution of their responsibilities.
“If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and the honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God!”
-George Washington


·        Sanctity of Life
·        Liberty (Self-government)
·        Property
·        Family
·        State Sovereignty
·        American Sovereignty



Sanctity of Life

A human being, whose life begins at fertilization and ends in natural death, is created in God's image. We recognize and affirm the legal personhood of all human beings, without exception. The first duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. Therefore it is the duty of all civil governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of persons from fertilization to natural death.

Abortion/Infanticide: No government may legalize the taking of the unalienable right to life without justification, including the life of the pre-born; abortion may not be declared lawful by any institution of the State of Georgia or local government - legislative, judicial, or executive. As to matters of rape and incest, it is unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of their father. We reject legislation that allows the killing of an innocent child once some regulatory requirement is met. We also oppose the distribution and use of all abortifacients. We oppose scientific research involving human embryonic or pre-embryonic cells.

Euthanasia: The concept of euthanasia is a dangerous move toward legalized termination of non-productive, infirmed, unwanted, and handicapped persons with or without their consent. We oppose laws that condone or legalize euthanasia or so-called “mercy killing.”

Liberty (Self-government)


Liberty (Self-government)

Character and Moral Conduct: True liberty, which is set in Jesus Christ, is the fruit of the virtuous character and moral conduct of a people and their leaders. We call on and expect all public officials as well as our own members and candidates to demonstrate the utmost godly character in both public and private life.

Pornography: Pornography and its social ills connected with it provide an innately negative and unhealthy effect on the family, church, and nation. The purpose of the First Amendment was to allow citizens the freedom to address the policies and practices of government, not to aid in the degradation of American culture. Therefore we support laws making it a criminal offense to distribute or display pornography.

Civil Rights: Unalienable rights come from God. We oppose the creation of man-made "civil" rights based on group status or behavior, because they invariably deny the true and unalienable rights of others.

Gun Control: The right to bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment, is inherent in the right of self-defense, defense of the family, and defense against tyranny. Existing laws placed against this fundamental right are unconstitutional and should be repealed.

Power of Juries: We call for legislation to require judges to instruct juries as to the full scope of their powers, including the power to judge the laws in question and the right to consider all evidence that they may deem pertinent to determining a proper verdict.

Privacy: We oppose any law that enables unconstitutional supervision of or collection of information on private citizens by any jurisdiction of civil government. Any effort to number and monitor citizens through a national I.D. system violates privacy and civil liberty.

Religious Freedom: Personal religious freedom and the public acknowledgment of God form the cornerstone of American liberty and the foundation of our political institutions. Religious rights and obligations must be protected, whether exercised individually or collectively. The Church has both the right and the responsibility to address all moral issues, politicized or not and therefore must be protected from state influence or control through taxation or tax status.




Crime: Protecting citizens from crime is a fundamental purpose of local government. We oppose the federalization of crime and law enforcement as an unwise and unconstitutional centralization of power. We support capital and corporal punishment, restitution, and a judicial system that recognizes the rights of victims and the rights of the accused.

Environment: As God’s appointed steward, man has the responsibility to care for the earth and to use its resources wisely. We support scientifically valid efforts to preserve the environment, but we reject costly and unwarranted government regulation. We affirm the constitutional provisions that protect private property from being taken for public use or preservation without just compensation.

Land Use: We oppose federal purchases of private lands and the further designation of federal lands as wilderness, road less areas, national monuments or any other classifications which remove lands from productive use. We call for the return of federal forest lands and range lands to the states, under whose jurisdiction they properly belong.

Property Taxes: We believe that the right of individuals to own property is God-given. Property taxes are tantamount to rental payments and thus imply state ownership of the land. We call for an end to property taxes, and, in the meantime, support legislation that allows only real property owners to vote on levies and bonds that would increase property taxes.

Water Rights: Water rights are an integral part of property rights. Their use, allocation, or transfer must not be impeded without due process. Public agencies must be precluded from purchasing or otherwise collecting agricultural water-right allocations. We oppose the removal of hydroelectric dams and the metering of privately owned wells.

Welfare and Poverty: We are opposed to government welfare programs. We support Christian charity and family free-enterprise as the best means of reducing and preventing poverty. Responsibility for the care of the truly needy rests with individuals, churches and other private organizations.




Education: Our Creator has assigned to parents the authority and duty of educating children. All teaching is related to fundamental assumptions about God and man, and cannot be separated from religion. Therefore we support the separation of school and state, "freedom of conscience in education" legislation, and the operation of home schools and private schools. The Federal Government has no constitutional jurisdiction over the education of children. Therefore we support the abolition of the U.S. Department of Education, and we oppose all Federal intrusion in education through subsidies, programs, national teacher certification, goals, guidelines, or any other means.

Health Care: Government regulated and subsidized health care is unconstitutional and threatens both the quality and availability of medical care, treatment and supplies. We support the deregulation of health care.

Homosexuality: We oppose state-sanctioned homosexual marriage, “civil unions”, child adoption and special minority status. We oppose any legislation that restricts the right to express the Biblical position on homosexuality. We oppose the use of special minority rights to indoctrinate children in the homosexual lifestyle within the government school systems.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities: It is the God-given duty of parents to feed, educate, clothe, and discipline their children. We are opposed to governmental assumption of any of these responsibilities or infringement on the right of parents to fulfill them.

Constitution (Limited Government)


Constitution (Limited Government)

Elections Reform: Without sound election procedures and processes the very foundations of sound governance are undermined. We call for the following reforms to Georgia’s elections: voters must be able to verify the selections on the actual ballot of record given to election officials, election officials must be able to audit the totals produced by the electronic voting systems for accuracy, tangible ballots must be retained for recount purposes, Election Day random audits must be performed at the precinct level to ensure the accuracy of vote recording systems, and replace the current plurality voting method with the score voting method.

Legislative Reform: Legislative authority is properly vested in a general assembly elected by and accountable to the people. We call for the repeal of laws that delegate legislative authority to non-elected administrative agencies and commissions.

Executive Orders: Executive orders that have the effect of law violate the principle of the separation of powers. We therefore oppose the use of executive orders to make law. We call for the repeal of all executive orders affecting policy outside of the executive branch.

Judiciary: The Constitution stipulates that the indefinite terms of federal judges are dependent upon their continued good behavior. We call on Congress to end judicial activism by enforcing of the rule of good behavior (through impeachment) and by using its authority to override unconstitutional court decisions. Court decisions do not constitute law.

Money and Banking: The federal government’s departure from the constitutional principles of money and banking threaten the country’s economic stability and the survival of our republican form of government. We therefore support a return to the monetary and banking provisions set forth in the Constitution (Article 1 Section 8) and the abolition of the Federal Reserve System.

Privatization: We call for the state government to divest itself of all operations not authorized by the Constitution. We call for the end of “public-private partnerships” which amount to a government franchise and license to private corporations to enter public works, usually accompanied by government financing.

Public Debt: We call for the prompt and systematic reduction of public debt through the elimination of unconstitutional programs and agencies.

Subsidies: We oppose agricultural and corporate subsidies as unconstitutional and counterproductive to free enterprise.

Taxation: We support the elimination of the state income tax. We oppose the use of so called "tax abatements," "tax incentives," and "economic development grants," which are pretexts to raid the public treasury and rob the working man for the benefit of wealthy interests favored by the politicians.

Veto Authority: We oppose the line item veto as an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the Governor.

State Sovereignty


State Sovereignty

Election Reform: Control of the electoral process must be returned to local levels. We demand the reinstatement of verifiable, auditable election processes and procedures. As a minimum elections should be audited at random at the precinct level after the polls close.

Election of Senators: The election of U.S. Senators by the state legislatures provided the state governments a powerful voice in federal policy and a key check on federal power. We support the repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to the original method of electing U.S. Senators.

State Sovereignty: The federal government has no authority to control state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care and other areas in which it is now involved. We call upon the State of Georgia to stop accepting federal funds for projects not authorized by the U.S. Constitution.

Language: We believe that a single language is necessary for unity. We support legislation to establish American English as the official language of the State of Georgia.

State Defense: The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Founders saw that so-called “homeland security” was the province of the states through their militias. We call for the dissolution of the federal Department of Homeland Security, and instruct the Adjutant General to reconstitute the Georgia militia.

American Sovereignty


American Sovereignty

Language: We believe that a single language is necessary for unity. We support legislation to establish American English as the official language of the Constitutional Republic known as the United States.

Immigration: In order for citizens to serve responsibly as guardians of our constitutional form of government, we call for a return to the practice of disqualifying for admission to the U.S. all persons having criminal histories, immoral lifestyles, or beliefs hostile to our form of government. We also call for an end to the bestowing of U.S. citizenship on children born to illegal aliens in this country. We call for the immediate deportation of all illegal aliens, under state or local custody to their native land.

National Defense: A primary purpose of the federal government is to provide for the defense of the states. We call for the maintenance of a strong, state-of-the-art land, sea, air and space-based defense system. We oppose the committing of U.S. forces to serve under any flag but that of the U.S.A. We oppose placing women in combat units.
New World Order/One World Government: Nationhood is a blessing and the basic building block of a stable world order. We call upon Georgia’s federal legislators to oppose the transfer of governing authority to international agencies, alliances and treaty organizations as a dangerous step toward global tyranny; and call for an end to U.S. funding of the United Nations.

Trade and Tariffs: We support fair trade, not unlimited free trade. We call upon Georgia’s federal legislators to support the constitutional use of tariffs on foreign companies and products to fund the legitimate constitutional expenses of the federal government, support the elimination of most favored nation trade status, and oppose GATT, NAFTA, the WTO, and all other agreements in which authority over US trade, copyright, and patent policy is transferred from Congress to any other entity.



A multitude of constitutional political organizations have been created since the beginning of the progressive erosion of our constitutional rights began.  Coalitions of these organizations have been routine lately with local battles.  In Georgia, the T-SPLOST resulted in a large coalition of Tea Party, 912, Campaign for Liberty, Ron Paul Republican, Libertarian, Georgia Taxpayer and most other conservative organizations. Most of these groups joined together to become active in Republican politics.  Thanks to the rural counties, 40% of the Republican Delegates voted with this constitutional coalition at the State Convention in 2013.  In the T-SPLOST ballot vote, the proponents of the tax were largely “Progressive establishment Republicans”. 


As big government progressives have evolved over the past 100 years, they have aligned and acted with stealth.  This progressive coalition, in its current form includes the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, a majority of government officials, trade unions, the environmental movement, most global corporations, global banks and financial institutions, most media organizations (TV, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.) and the U.N.  In the U.S. they are concentrated in urban areas in the blue states like California, New York and others.

At the center of the progressive coalition for the past 100 years has been the American Communist Party.  All of their 45 goals stated in 1920 and again in 1963 have either been accomplished or are close to completion.  

Constitutional Coalitions

Those of us who are active in constitutionalist organizations are continuing to coordinate our efforts in local battles, elections, research, article writing and posting,  It is clear to all of us, that we must return the U.S. government to compliance with the U.S. Constitution and 10th Amendment (as written).  The Tea Party energized the movement in 2010 with a simple message, “taxed enough already”.  It was clear that UN Agenda 21 was a threat to liberty, so we focused at the city and county level and finally at the state level to demand legislation to restore our liberty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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