Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ending Our One Party System

80% of our elected Republicans are actually under-cover Democrats. They actually agree with Democrats on most votes.  They do pretend to be Republicans when they campaign, but when elected, they vote like Democrats. I’ve called them Demo-Publicans for decades. That answers the questions we’ve had about the lack of citizen protection from policies that have resulted in our economic decline. 

They use “altruism” as an excuse for excessive immigration, keeping open borders, giving away $trillions to foreign dictators in military foreign aid, giving our jobs away to other countries and creating unsustainable new welfare systems.
Congress abdicates their responsibilities to the Federal Reserve, the Supreme Court and lower courts and the Federal Departments, Agencies and Programs.
Congress allows the federal government to seize control of entire industries, allowing the formation of a Nazi federal government.
Congress continues to allow the federal government to operate way beyond their enumerated powers, creating excessive spending and debt.
Congress allows the erosion of our inalienable rights and free market economic system.
Congress doesn’t repeal the bad laws that create our economic decline and don’t regulate the hedge funds that are likely to bring down the global economy.
Congress passes unnecessary damaging regulations to threaten and harass citizens, but they don’t pass any laws that would reverse our sovereign demise.
Congress has single-handedly piled up enough debt to destroy the US economy for the next several decades.
Congress prevented US border control and US oil exploration, approved excessive immigration policies, approved bad banking rules and ignored needed financial reforms for decades.
Trevor Loudon author of “The Enemies Within, explains how this transition took place in his books and videos. His research has uncovered convincing evidence that the American Communist Party wrote our Bills and passed them through the Unions to Democrat legislators to get passed. They also infiltrated the environmental movement.  See
The best candidates for Speaker of the House and Majority Leader of the Senate are Senators Rand Paul or Ted Cruz. That would end the game that is forcing us to economic ruin. 
Congress needs to stop bundling bills and using Continuing Resolutions; they need to read every bill and vote the will of their voters.  Congress needs to repeal the laws that caused the 2008 Meltdown, like the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules. Congress needs to correct Supreme Court errors with legislation that correctly defines Born, Life and Religion to end Anchor Babies, end illegitimate Presidential candidates, end abortion and explain what it really means that “Congress shall not establish any religion”. Congress needs to remove the federal government from all unconstitutional activities.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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