Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stop Immigration

Memo to GOP: Curb Immigration or Quit by Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. Dave Brat | Oct. 20, 2015, 10:39 a.m.
"The great and broadly-shared middle-class growth that occurred in the 20th century took place during a period of low immigration...According to the Congressional Research Service, from 1945 to 1970 - as the foreign-born population fell - the bottom 90 percent of wage earners saw an 82.5 percent increase in their wages...
"In 1965, Congress passed a new immigration law which helped produce an unprecedented wave of low-skilled immigration...The Congressional Research Service reports that during the 43 years between 1970 and 2013 - when the foreign-born population grew 325 percent - incomes for the bottom 90 percent of earners fell nearly 8 percent.  And yet, on autopilot, each year the U.S. further swells the labor supply by issuing millions of new visas to foreign nationals seeking jobs and residency in the United States...assuming Congress does not reduce immigration rates [the] foreign-born population share will keep rising to new all-time records for as long as [the Census Bureau] can project.
"New immigrants and their children will add another 103 million residents to the U.S. over the next five decades. That's the population equivalent of 25 cities of Los Angeles.  Did any American vote for this extreme and untested policy?
"Americans want immigration reduced - not increased - by an overwhelming 3 to 1 margin. A mere 20 percent of Democratic voters and a miniscule 7 percent of Republican voters want more immigration...
"Anyone running for the White House who cannot publicly commit to these principles should consider a different occupation. Americans should no longer have to wonder for whom their leaders work."

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