Sunday, December 20, 2015

Intended Consequences

The Supreme Court passed Roe v Wade in 1973. Making abortion legal.  Since then, we’ve killed 55 million babies, artificially affecting our demographics. 

In 1965, Congress opened up immigration to offset the lower numbers of younger citizens to offset the cost of “baby boom” retirees Social Security liabilities. 

Also in the 1960s, pin-headed academics predicted that global population increases would result in wide-spread famine and the melting of the ice caps would swamp all ocean-front property. 

None of that actually came true. Farmers got busy and increased food production and oceans didn’t swamp the land any more than it usually does. 

The intended consequences of letting Roe v Wade stand include an apparent need for a Muslim invasion and takeover.  These guys we elect to Congress will do anything it takes to destroy the United States

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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