Saturday, January 18, 2020

US Jobs Reports

Government, Education and Retail jobs are down and that’s a good thing. Mining is down and that’s a bad thing. Durable goods manufacturing jobs are only up 40,000 and we still need 7 million more manufacturing jobs to restore the US middle class.

Starter jobs in restaurants are up and students are beginning to fill these jobs and that’s a good thing, because more students need to join the workforce. Consumers need to spend less on “stuff” so they can buy single family homes.

Occupation     Dec 2018       Dec  2019      Gain/Loss

Government     22,840,000    22,646,000     -194,000
Education          3,852,500       3,835,900       -16,600
Retail               16,309,200     15,829,500     -479,700
Mining                  753,000           731,000       -22,000

Restaurants      11,981,200    12,344,800     +363,600
Leisure Hosp    16.213.000    16.942.000     +729,000
Entertainment     2,264,200      2,520,700     +256,500
Info Media          2,839,000       2.839,000     +0
Family Svc         3,991,700       4,139,200     +143,500
Healthcare        16,248,100     16,583,500     +335,400

Professional      21,345,000     21,651,000     +306.000
Finance               8,622,000       8,737,000     +115,000
Wholesale           5,913,600      5,963,200      +49,600

Transport            5,337,500       5,568,100     +230,600
Durable Mfg      12,815,000     12,855,000       +40,000
Non-D Mfg          4,770,000       4,799,000       +99,000

Construction       7,313,000        7,551,000      +238,000
Repair Svcs       5,859,000         5,959,000      +100,000
Utilities                   555,400           552,200         +3,200

Total Jobs      151,203,000     152,383,000   +1,180,000

The US graduates 1.9 million students per year.

Engineer Jobs
There were 1.681 million engineers employed in the United States in 2016.

Continued Oil and Gas production requires more Petroleum and Geological Engineers.

Returning manufacturing to the US requires more Electrical, Electronics, Computer, Mechanical, Materials and Industrial Engineers. Specialized manufacturing requires Biomedical, Chemical, Nuclear, Naval and Other Engineers.

Infrastructure requires Civil and Geotechnical Engineers. Agriculture requires Agricultural Engineers. Government requires Environmental Engineers.

The number of Engineers working in 2016 is a low point for US Engineering jobs and are listed below.
Electrical      188,300
Electronics   136,300
Computer       73,600
Aerospace     69,600
Mechanical  288,800
Petroleum      33,700
Chemical       32,700
Geological       7,300
Materials       27,000
Industrial     257,900
Nuclear         17,700
Agricultural     2,700
Civil            303,500
Other         132,500
Naval             8,200
Biomedical  21,300
Environmental 53,800

Software Developers will continue to be in demand in 2020 and beyond.  Degrees on the high end include MSEE & MSMath.  Degrees on the lower end include BSCS with hardware option. US Software Developers in 2017 totaled 1.36 million.

The US Jobs Report is in for December 2019, so we can see how many jobs were added the US added in 2019. The US has 7 million employment postings.

Year    US Jobs Added  Monthly Average
2019    2,185,000          182,083
2018    2,349.000          195,750
2017    2,351,000          195,916
2016    2,308,000          192.333

US mining, oil and gas extraction, manufacturing and construction are underway, but manufacturing is taking longer than expected. Many foreign companies are building plants in the US to avoid tariffs, but US companies are slower to build these plants.

Jobs added from 2009 through 2016 were government jobs and minimum wage jobs going to low skilled illegal and refugee welfare migrants. Obama used this to finish off the private sector economy, decimate the US middle class and prepare for the merger of the US with Canada and Mexico.

Data                                     2018               2019
Working Age US Citizens    258,888,000   260,181,000
US Citizens in Labor Force 163,111,000   164,556,000
Unemployment                     4.0                 3.5
US Household Income         $63,179         $66,043 Median
US Household Income                               $89,931 Average

US Jobs Reports by Month 2019
12/19   145,000
11/19   266,000
10/19   156,000
9/19     193,000
8/19     282,000
7/19    166,000
6/19    178,000
5/19      62,000
4/19    216,000
3/19    153,000
2/19      56,000
1/19    312,000
2019   2,185,000
Average 182,083

US Jobs Reports by Month 2018
12/18   227,000
11/18   196,000
10/18   277,000
9/18     108,000
8/18     282,000
7/18     178,000
6/18     262,000
5/18     270,000
4/18     196,000
3/18     182,000
2/18     330,000
1/18     171,000
2018  2,349.000
Average 195,750

US Jobs Reports by Month 2017
12/17   174,000
11/17   220,000
10/17   260,000
9/17       18,000
8/17     187,000
7/17     204,000
6/17     229,000
7/17    128,000
6/17    213,000
5/17    127,000
4/17    141,000
3/17    252,000
2/17    215,000
1/17    170,000
2017   2,351,000
Average 195,916

US Jobs Reports by Month 2016
12/16   215,000
11/16   170,000
10/16   128,000
9/16     270,000
8/16     135,000
7/16     326,000
6/16     282,000
5/16       15,000
4/16     211,000
3/16     234,000
2/16     232,000
1/16       90,000
2016   2,308,000
Average 192.333

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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