Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fake Impeachment Hit-Job

Democrats recognized that all of the unconstitutional ground they have won over the past 120 years would be at risk with the election of Trump in 2016. Democrats have been the Bolsheviks in this 120-year-old, bloodless Communist Revolution in the US and Trump is rapidly reversing the damage.  Trump is the Democrats’ worst nightmare.

During the Reagan years from 1980 to 1988, Democrats in Congress traded welfare funding for military funding, but Reagan refused to sign more damaging Democrat Bills. Democrats were silent during the Reagan years, but continued to work quietly on their schemes to debase the culture and establish propaganda camps.

During the Bush I years from 1989 to 1992, Bush approved all of these Democrat Bills and Bush didn’t work to reverse past Democrat unconstitutional actions. Democrats were happy to have like-minded Republicans in the Whitehouse.

During the Clinton years from 1993 to 2000, Clinton implemented UN Agenda 21 in the US and NAFTA to off-shore US manufacturing jobs and destroy the US middle class. Clinton’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 caused the 2008 Global Financial Meltdown. The only way to get US citizens to submit to Socialism is to make them poor.

During the Bush II and Obama years from 2000 to 2016, the US National Debt rose from $5 trillion to $20 trillion. The Financial Meltdown of 2008 was caused by the Democrat Community Reinvestment Act of 1993. Obama destroyed US Healthcare and both Bush II and Obama further damaged US education. With no middle class, high debt and excessive welfare migration, the US was well underway to becoming poor.

During the Trump years from 2017 to 2020 so far, Trump has reversed the economic decline and the Socialist Agenda and is restoring the US middle class by bringing jobs back to the US. Trump lowered the corporate tax from 35% to 21%, reduced job-killing regulations, restored US oil and natural gas production, added Originalist Judges, curtailed welfare migration and is building the border wall to end the illegal drug cartel and welfare migrant invasion.

Trump will need to lower healthcare costs, finish building the border wall, pass Immigration laws based on merit, cut more unnecessary and damaging federal spending, drain the swamp and reverse court errors.

Left-Wing Global Marxist Oligarchs like Soros and Bloomberg will continue to fight Trump, because Communists and their cult members never give up. Trump needs to have Republicans in charge of the US House and US Senate after 2020 to restore the US by 2024.

For the past 150 years, the US Constitution has had to endure Marxist attacks from within our own Congress.

It began with the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Democracies were replacing Monarchies and voters were encouraged to participate. Marx proposed that the masses take over. This included the abolishment of private property that backfired on the masses over the past 150 years. The advance of Democracy and Technology has created a perfect storm.

The steam engine was invented in 1712. Britain began to apply the steam engine as a power source in factories and developed steam powered railroads from 1760 to 1840. The US closely followed Britain’s lead and developed railroads in the 1820s. By the 1850s, mechanized factories were common and US cities began to grow jobs and attract population.

The technological advances since the Industrial Revolution and the damage to family self-support, freedom, private property rights and inertia have resulted in the need for the US to return to basic free market economics, the rule of law and full compliance with the US Constitution (as originally written).

Trump has changed the game for politicians across the globe. Politicians will be expected to focus on their economies, tell the truth, root out corruption and add jobs for their citizens.

The US Senate Acquitted President Trump on 2/5/20. The vote to acquit on both Articles of Impeachment was along party lines, Republicans 53 to Democrats 47.

The impeachment case was weak, but was used to continue the “War on Trump”, but it backfired and Trump’s polling scores rose. It is clear that Democrats will continue the “war” indefinitely.  Republicans hope to retake the US House in 2020 to be able to pass Bills to fix Immigration, Healthcare and Education. Republicans will also launch investigations related to the Russia Hoax. Democrat Oligarchs like Soros and Bloomberg are expected to fund the Democrats with $billions. Soros will fund the “ground game” with Antifa riots and Blumberg will fund the “ad war”.  Democrats are beginning to split into two camps with the “Rioters” supporting Socialism and the “Establishment” supporting simple obstruction and erosion. Democrats have no workable policies.

Trump is expected to win reelection in 2020, because he is making the case for his reforms and delivering results. If the Republicans hold the Senate and regain the House, Healthcare and Education costs will be reduced, Immigration based on merit will be adopted, the border wall will be completed and the US economy will continue to expand, add jobs and restore the US middle class. Trump needs to continue to restore manufacturing in the US. We lost 60,000 manufacturing plants over the past 30 years and Trump has restored 12,000 using tariffs.  The Climate Change hoax is dead and the “victim hoaxes” are ignored.

Steve Bannon explains the impeachment hit-job as an “attempted coup” and the “crime of the century” and demands a full investigation of this coup by the Senate Judiciary Committee, beginning with “deep state” treason beginning in 2015. This includes the Mueller team FISA fraud through the Ukraine scam in 2020.  Now Oligarch Bloomberg is planning to spend $2 billion to defeat Trump and Republican candidates for the US House and Senate in 2020. The China pandemic reinforces the move of supply chains back to the US and other countries. See YouTube below.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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