Sunday, February 23, 2020

US Jobs Reports January 2020

The US added 225,000 non-farm jobs in January 2020.

1/20  Net Job gains  225,000

Job gains 1/20
Construction       44,000
Healthcare          36,000
Education           36,000
Hospitality          36,000
Transportation    28,000
Professional       21,000
Government       19,000
Other Services   14,000
Wholesale            8,000
Information           5,000
Total                 247,000

Job losses 1/20
Manufacturing   -12,000
Retail                   -8,000
Utilities                 -1,000
Financial              -1,000
Total                  -22,000

The US Jobs Reports was adjusted down from earlier reports and may be subject to further revisions. According to BLS, the US added 1,949,000 total non-farm jobs in 2019. The monthly average for 2019 was 162,417.

12/19   147,000
11/19   261,000
10/19   185,000
9/19     208,000
8/19     207,000
7/19     194,000
6/19     182,000
5/19       85,000
4/19     210,000
3/19    147,000
2/19               1
1/19    269,000
2019  1,949,000
Ave     162,417

Year    US Jobs Added  Monthly Average
2019    2,185,000          182,083
2018    2,349.000          195,750
2017    2,351,000          195,916
2016    2,308,000          192.333

The US Labor Force Participation Rate for 1/20 was 63.4%

The US needs 7 million more manufacturing jobs to restore the middle class. Most of these jobs came from rural counties and need to return to these counties. It took 30 years to off-shore US manufacturing and we are in the 4th year of restoring these jobs back to the US. 

The US consumers saw all of its manufacturing companies abandon the US and load the US with foreign made goods. The off-shoring was initially caused by foreign governments requiring US companies to move its manufacturing operations to their countries in exchange for letting them sell products into their countries.

Off-shoring began with labor-intensive apparel industries like shoes and clothing in the 1960s and began to include automobiles and home appliances in the 1960s and 1970s.  US appliance brands began to disappear and were replaced by foreign company brands. By the 1980s, autos from Japan and Germany were beginning to dominate US consumer markets, because US auto makers ignored the need for fuel efficiency and foreign manufacturers offered better cars with better mileage and better value.

In the 1980s, the US had a resurgence of electronics design and manufacturing by launching the PC and Telecom development cycles, followed by Internet Access and Cell Phones in the 1990s.

By the 1990s, US companies were working on Lean Management Process Control and were solving the Quality problems in their manufacturing processes using targeted automation. This allowed US companies to off-shore total manufacturing processes to other countries to avoid excessive US taxes and regulations. Congress remained asleep at the switch.

By the 2000s, US off-shoring and excessive taxes and regulations had effectively killed the US middle class. Bad policies also increased welfare migration and US Household Incomes went flat and the National Debt doubled from $5 trillion to $10 trillion

The Financial Meltdown in 2008 provided the final thump on the US economy and the National Debt doubled again from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

In 2016, US Voters sent Trump to restore the US economy. Trump cut taxes and regulations and reduce welfare migration. He ended Climate Change regulations and increased oil and gas production. Trump is on track to build the wall and end open borders and Illegal Immigration and return to Immigration based on Merit and Labor needs. Trump is also on track to reduce excessive healthcare and education costs. Trump is reducing the $800 billion annual US Trade Deficit using bi-lateral trade agreements and Tariffs. Trump restored the US Military and is replacing War with Sanctions.

The US Communist movement that embedded itself in the Democrat Party over100 years ago is going nuts. Trump is reversing socialist policies and is about to drain the swamp.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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