Saturday, March 14, 2020

US Stock Drop

All Stocks are down 36% to 39% and will remain down until investors can estimate the end of the Chinese Coronavirus-19 and the return to regular business. Travel related stocks and supply chain interruptions are leading this decline.

Dow Drop

The Dow hit its high at 29,551.42 on 2/12/20 in its rush to Dow 30,000.  Then the Chinese Coronavid-19 outbreak and the Oil Price War between Russia and Saudi began to affect the Stock Market. One month later, on 3/12/20 the Dow has dropped by 8,350.82 by 39% to 21,200.61.

The Dow Closing Prices from 2/3/20 to 3/12/20 are listed below.

Dow       Close
3/12/20   21,200.61
3/11/20   23,553.22
3/10/20   25,018.16
3/9/20     23,851.02
3/6/20     25,864.78
3/5/20     26,121.28
3/4/20     27,090.88
3/3/20     25,917.41
3/2/20     26,703.32

2/28/20   25,409.36
2/27/20   25,766.64
2/26/20   26,957.59
2/25/20   27,081.36
2/24/20   27,960.80
2/21/20   28,992.41
2/20/20   29,219.98
2/19/20   29,348.03
2/18/20   29,232.19
2/14/20   29,398.08
2/13/20   29.423.31
2/12/20   29,551.42
2/11/20   29,276.34
2/10/20   29,276.82
2/7/20     29,102.51
2/6/20     29,379.77
2/5/20     29,290.85
2/4/20     28,807.63
2/3/20     28,399.81

S&P 500 Drop

The S&P 500 hit its high at 3386.15 on 2/19/20 in its rush to 3400.  The Chinese Coronavid-19 outbreak and the Oil Price War between Russia and Saudi were underway and continued to affect the Stock Market. One month later, on 3/12/20 the S&P has dropped by 905.44 by 36.5% to 2480.71

The S&P 500 Closing Prices from 2/3/20 to 3/12/20 are listed below.

S&P Close by Day 2020
3/12/20   2480.71
3/11/20   2741.38
3/10/20   2882.23
3/9/20     2746.56
3/6/20     2972.37
3/5/20     3023.94
3/4/20     3130.12
3/3/20     3003.37
3/2/20     3090.23

2/28/20   2954.22
2/27/20   2978.76
2/26/20   3116.39
2/25/20   3128.21
2/24/20   3130.12
2/21/20   3337.75
2/20/20   3373.23
2/19/20   3386.15
2/18/20   3370.29
2/14/20   3380.16
2/13/20   3373.94
2/12/20   3379.45
2/11/20   3357.75
2/10/20   3352.09
2/7/20     3327.71
2/6/20     3345.78
2/5/20     3334.69
2/4/20     3297.59
2/3/20     3248.92


The NASDAQ hit its high at 9817.18 on 2/19/20 in its rush to 10.000.  The Chinese Coronavid-19 outbreak and the Oil Price War between Russia and Saudi were underway and continued to affect the Stock Market. One month later, on 3/12/20 the NASDAQ has dropped by 2609.30 by 36% to 7207.80

The S&P 500 Closing Prices from 2/3/20 to 3/12/20 are listed below.

NASDAQ Close by Day 2020

3/12/20   7207.80
3/11/20   7952.05
3/10/20   8344.25
3/9/20     7950.68
3/6/20     8575.62
3/5/20     8738.59
3/4/20     9018.09
3/3/20     8684.09
3/2/20     8952.17

2/28/20   8567.37
2/27/20   8566.48
2/26/20   8980.78
2/25/20   8965.81
2/24/20   9221.28
2/21/20   9576.59
2/20/20   9750.97
2/19/20   9817.18
2/18/20   9732.74
2/14/20   9731.18
2/13/20   9711.97
2/12/20   9725.96
2/11/20   9638.94
2/10/20   9628.39
2/7/20     9520.51
2/6/20     9572.15
2/5/20     9508.68
2/4/20     9467.97
2/3/20     9273.40

Layoffs and Hours Reductions follow Declines in Demand. Those employed in affected businesses will migrate to some of the 7 million job openings we have in the US.  Travel dependent and entertainment businesses include tourism, restaurants, hotels, meeting venues, retail, sports events and others.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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