Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cov19 Deaths by Country 6/3/20

213 countries are approaching 6.5 million cases and 400,000 deaths.

As of 6/3/20 at 9 am ET, global case gain remains low at 1.2% and %deaths/cases remains at 5.9%.

Global     Cases      Gain     %       Deaths   %   Deaths/Day
6/3/20     6474784  74729   1.2%  382923   5.9      4855
6/2/20     6400055 109202  1.7%  378068   5.9      3725
6/1/20     6290853 100068  1.6%  374343   6.0      2878
5/31/20   6190785 125006  2.1%  371465   6.0     -5063
5/30/20   6065779 128589  2.2%  376528   6.2    13752
5/29/20   5937190  36283   0.6%  362776   6.1      1217
5/28/20   5900907                         361549   5.8

55 Countries with 10,000 or more cases account for over 95% of all deaths.

Country           Cases     Deaths    %
US                 1881256  108062    5.7 flat
Brazil               558237    31309    5.6 down
Russia             432277     5215     1.2 flat
Spain               287012    27127    9.5 flat
UK                   277985    39369   14.2 up
Italy                 233515    33530   14.4 flat
India                208543     5834      2.8 flat
Germany        184091      8674      4.7 flat
Peru                174884     4767      2.7 flat
Turkey            165555      4585      2.8 flat
Iran                 160696      8012      5.0 flat
France            151325     28940   19.1 up rev
Chile               108686      1188     1.1 flat
Mexico             97326     10637    10.9 flat
Canada            92410       7395     8.0 flat
Saudi Arabia    89011        549      0.6 flat
China               83021       4634     5.6 flat
Pakistan          80463        1688     2.1 flat
Qatar               60259          43      0.07 flat
Belgium           58685        9522    16.2 flat
Bangladesh     55140         746       1.4 flat
Netherlands     46647       5967     12.8 flat
Belarus            44255        243       0.5 flat
Ecuador           40414       3438      8.5 flat
Sweden           38589       4468     11.6 flat
Singapore        36405         24        0.07 flat
S Africa            35812        755        2.1 up
UAE                 35788        269        0.8 flat
Portugal           32895      1436        4.4 flat
Switzerland      30893      1920        6.2 flat
Colombia         31833       1009        3.2 flat
Kuwait             29359         230       0.8 flat
Indonesia        28233       1698        6.0 flat
Egypt              27536        1052        3.8 flat
Ireland             25066       1658       6.6 flat
Ukraine           24823         735        3.0 flat
Poland            24545        1102       4.5 flat
Philippines      19748         974        5.0 down
Romania         19669        1288       6.5 down
Argentina        18319         569        3.1 down
Dominican R   17752         515        2.9 flat
Israel               17342         290        1.7 flat
Afghanistan    17267         294        1.7 up
Japan              16930         894        5.3 flat
Austria            16759         669        4.0 flat
Panama          14095         352        2.5 flat
Oman              13537         67          0.5 flat
Bahrain           12311          20         0.2 flat
Denmark         11734         580        4.9 flat
Kazakhstan     11796          44         0.4 flat
S Korea           11590         273        2.4 flat
Serbia              11454         245        2.1 flat
Bolivia             10991         376         3.4 up
Nigeria            10819         314         2.9 up
Armenia          10524         170         1.6 flat


Revisions to the data in the worldometers website are appearing as Covid19 winds down.

The Cases in France have been revised down by 37895.
                        Cases      Deaths    %
France            189220     28833   15.2 flat 6/2/20
France            151325     28940   19.1 up 6/3/20

On 5/31/20, the number of deaths was revised down by 5063.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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