Monday, June 8, 2020

Cov19 Deaths by Country 6/8/20

213 countries approach 7.2 million cases and 410,000 deaths.

As of 6/8/20 at 8 am ET, global case gain drops to 1.4% and %deaths/cases remain at 5.7%.

Global     Cases      Gain     %       Deaths   %   Deaths/Day
6/8/20     7113020  99283   1.4%  406549   5.7      3803
6/7/20     7013737 144601  2.1%  402746   5.7      4159
6/6/20     6869136 140599  2.1%  398587   5.8      4910
6/5/20     6728537 124938  1.9%  393677   5.9      5163
6/4/20     6603599 128815  2.0%  388514   5.9      5591
6/3/20     6474784  74729   1.2%  382923   5.9      4855
6/2/20     6400055 109202  1.7%  378068   5.9      3725
6/1/20     6290853 100068  1.6%  374343   6.0      2878
5/31/20   6190785 125006  2.1%  371465   6.0     -5063
5/30/20   6065779 128589  2.2%  376528   6.2    13752
5/29/20   5937190  36283   0.6%  362776   6.1      1217
5/28/20   5900907                         361549   5.8

57 Countries with 10,000 or more cases account for over 95% of all deaths.

Country           Cases     Deaths    %
US                 2007531  112471    5.6 flat
Brazil               691962    37312    5.4 up
Russia             467658     5971     1.3 flat
Spain               288630    27136    9.4 flat
UK                   286194    40542   14.2 flat
India                258090     7207      2.8 flat
Italy                 234998    33899   14.4 flat
Peru               196515      5465      2.8 flat
Germany        185869      8776      4.7 flat
Iran                 173832      8351      4.8 flat
Turkey            170132      4692      2.8 flat
France            153977     29155   18.9 down
Chile               134150      2190      1.6 up
Mexico            117103     13699   11.7 down
Pakistan          103671       2067     2.0 flat
Saudi Arabia   101914        712      0.7 flat
Canada            95699       7800     8.2 flat
China               83040        4634    5.6 flat
Qatar               68790          54      0.08 flat
Bangladesh     68504         930       1.4 flat
Belgium           59348        9606    16.2 flat
Belarus            49453        276        0.6 flat
S Africa            48285        998        2.1 flat
Netherlands     47574       6013     12.6 flat
Sweden           44730       4659     10.4 flat
Ecuador           43120       3621       8.4 flat
Colombia         39236      1259        3.2 flat
UAE                 38808        276        0.7 flat
Singapore        38296         25        0.07 flat
Portugal           34693      1479        4.3 flat
Egypt               34079      1237        3.6 down
Kuwait             32510         269       0.8 flat
Indonesia        32033       1883        5.9 flat
Switzerland     30972       1923       6.2 flat
Ukraine           27462         797        2.9 flat
Poland            26780        1161       4.3 down
Ireland             25201       1679       6.7 flat
Argentina        22794         664        2.9 flat
Philippines      22474        1011       4.5 down
Afghanistan    20917          369       1.8 flat
Romania         20604        1334       6.5 flat
Dominican R   19600         538        2.7 down
Israel               17915         298        1.7 flat
Oman              17486         81          0.5 up
Japan              17141         916        5.3 flat
Austria            16968         672        4.0 flat
Panama          16425         393        2.4 flat
Bahrain           14763          26         0.2 flat
Bolivia             13643         465        3.4 flat
Armenia          13325         211        1.6 up
Kazakhstan     12859          56         0.4 flat
Nigeria            12486         354         2.8 flat
Iraq                 12366         346         2.8 down
Denmark         11948         589        4.9 flat
Serbia             11823         249         2.1 flat
S Korea          11814         273         2.3 flat
Algeria            10154         707         7.0 up


Global %Deaths/Cases continues to trend flat to down.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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