Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cut Funding of Nonprofits 4-7-24

All Federal funding for NGOs and Non-Profit funding should be cut. Federal grants cost $1.1 trillion per year. We are funding our own demise. These are 501C3 tax sheltered entities. They should receive funding directly from local supporters and should not be eligible for funds from cities, counties or states. They should not be able to launder money to politicians or political parties. This is how Soros funds bad DAs, bad Democrat Senators and promotes “open borders”. American Marxists use NGOs and Non-Profits to fund our demise. Susan Rice admitted that they use our own freedoms to undermine our Constitution and accelerate Global Communist Governance. 

The US was designed to be a Judeo-Christian country with a free-market economy. Families of other faiths are welcome to enter the US legally and apply for citizenship, but their temples and mosques should not receive tax subsidies. They need to gradually assimilate into US culture. Freedom of Religion should not include funding activities that do not support assimilation.

Congress needs to tightly redefine US Freedom of Speech to exclude violent protests and funding insurrection. We are a country of laws and property damage should be prosecuted. Damage to property should be paid by the perpetrators to those who suffered the losses.

It is clear that “antifa” is a domestic terrorist organization that should be banned from receiving any funding. Every violent protest is planned, staffed and run by American Marxists, who use our own freedoms to undermine our freedom. Businesses destroyed by BLM riots in 2000 should sue BLM for damages.

Protests should be restricted to guarded public parks and rented venues and banned in commercial and residential areas and banned on local streets and highways. Statues and monuments should remain the property of the cities where they exist. Tearing them down should be prosecuted as illegal vandalism.

Political movements should be aimed at elected officials who can’t receive any bribes from protestors. Honest Polls on issues are critical to use for politicians to get the message. Congress needs to continue to meet with US industry groups to address over-regulation. The law of supply and demand needs to be followed so that the market sets prices. Government should not be allowed to offer subsidies or giveaways to consumers. 

We need to restrict campaign contributions to voters only and limited contributions to $1000 per candidate and per election. Voters should be restricted to making campaign contributions to candidates  who appear on their ballot. Candidates should live in the districts they want to represent. All Candidates should include their Party affiliation on the websites. Candidates should also be required to put their positions on issues on their websites, so voters know where they stand on issues. Candidates should be required to post their full work resumes and biographies on their websites so that voters can determine their qualifications to serve. These conditions should be required and confirmed before any candidate can file to become a candidate. This can be accomplished by State Leslatures. Candidates should be allowed to pay some or all of their own campaign expenses.

This would ban outside money from political campaigns. We need to ban Soros from funding lawless DAs and Democrat Senators.  Politics has become too expensive.

In 2020, the cost of political campaigns was $14.4 billion with 61% spend on negative ads.

In 2022, the cost of political campaigns was $8.9 billion.

In 2024, the cost is estimated at $10 billion.


Big contributors should let the voters rule politics and use their $10 billion to invest in technology to fix the US electric grid and fix supply chain transportation problems.

The only elected official I noticed who objected to the cost of funding a campaign was US Senator Bill Bradley (D) NJ In 1997 when he said ‘We have to take the money out of politics’.

The first elected official I noticed who survived being a Constitutional Conservative was US House Rep Ron Paul (R) KY. He voted “no” on most Bills and they called him “Dr No”.

Several elected officials don’t accept outside funding. Their constituents are able to keep them in office.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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