Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fixing Palestine 7-31-24

It is clear that it falls to Israel to deal with Palestine after the war with Hamas is over. Achieving a two-state solution would require great changes in Palestinian attitudes. The 5.5 million Palestinians have been taught to hate Israel and need to either be de-programmed or deported to Iran. Many of these deportees would be assigned to Terror Groups across the Middle East. Iran has a land area of 636,372 sq miles and has plenty of room to move the Palestinians to their own settlement. 

Many of Iran’s 89.8M population are tired of their Theocracy and adding 5.5 million radicals would not help them. Trump would inflict total economic isolation of Iran and the brunt of that will fall on the Iranian population. They will surely understand that there are consequences for electing the wrong leaders.

These Palestinians came from other Arab countries to the UN Refugee Camp they set up in 1945 for Muslims. The Arabs emptied their prisons and insane asylums and bussed them to Palestine. These were the parents of the current Muslim population of Palestine.

See Palestine Economy posted on this blog on 5-7-24.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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