Sunday, July 21, 2024

GOP Convention Report 7-21-24

The 2024 Republican Party Convention was held in Milwaukee Wisconsin from July 15 to18. Delegates voted to confirm the nomination of Donald J Trump for President and confirm the selection of Senator JD Vance of Ohio as Vice President. Polls indicate that US Voters want to end inflation, close the borders and deport illegal migrants back to their home countries. Voters also want to restore law and order. 

Ending inflation would be achieved by removing regulations that prevent drilling oil and natural gas on federal land. Increasing oil production would result in lowering the global price of oil and natural gas. This would also reduce revenue in Russia and Iran and end the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

The US would produce the oil and natural gas it needs plus a surplus to export to allies to reduce the US Trade Deficit. 

Closing the borders and deporting illegal migrants would first remove the criminals and terrorists to reduce fentanyl deaths, protect citizens from criminals and prevent terror attacks. It would make 10 million US jobs available for US citizens. It would end sanctuary cities.

Restoring law and order includes ending the release of career criminals and restoring existing laws to incarcerate dangerous criminals and impose bail for harmless defendants. It would require District Attorneys to prosecute crimes and follow the law or be replaced.

If Trump is elected and Republicans win the House and Senate, Trump will make his Tax Cuts permanent and add further tax cuts to reduce Biden’s inflation and ensure that US companies can restore US manufacturing jobs to end intellectual property theft and grow the US private sector economy.

Trump will replace the current Cabinet Secretaries, Agency Directors and Agency Managers to ensure that they will require federal employees follow the law. He will close the Department of Education and make States responsible for education to replace indoctrination with skills development.

Trump will end violent protests to protect citizens and prevent private property damage and disruption.

I expect that a Republican House and Senate will reduce federal spending by returning to “regular order” to pass individual appropriations bills. I also expect that they will reduce federal spending from the current $6 trillion/yr. to $4 trillion/yr.


I would recommend they start to pare down unnecessary spending to include US federal grants to Non-Profits, US federal grants to states ($1.1 trillion) and US foreign aid ($1.1 trillion). Congress should review our contributions to the UN and remove funding for most of it. Halting increases in the National Debt should be required. When the Ukraine war has ended, the US should reduce its subsidies to NATO to 2% of GDP. Federal subsidies for colleges who allowed anti-Israel protests should be ended.

States should prepare to expect less in federal subsidies and grants and should review State and Municipal expenses to favor critical infrastructure for roads, highways, bridges, water and sewers and remove bike lanes and multipurpose paths from their “transportation” plans.

Public School Boards should prepare to expect less in Property Tax revenue as states approve Vouchers that allow parents to take their tax money to private schools. Public schools should stop funding new school construction with Bonds that double the cost and set up accrual accounts to maintain their existing schools.

Congress should review the Social Security Max now at $168,600 and calculate the impact of increased Social Security Revenue based on the addition of 10 million manufacturing jobs. Most retirees are working past age 66 and many are subsidizing their grandchildren as they struggle to pay bills.  

The unity of the Republican Party reflected in the Convention suggests that the Bush Era RINOs have retired or converted to Populism.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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