Wednesday, July 10, 2024

UK Labor Party wins Election 7-10-24

The UK elected Labor Party to lead, because conservatives have not lowered taxes, improved government healthcare or otherwise improved the economy to benefit the working-class voters. Their national sales tax remains at 20%, healthcare suffers from delays and lack of resources and cumulative global inflation is 20% to 30% due to global oil prices. It appears that the Labor Party adopted “populism” to campaign on.

The House of Commons has 650 seats total and requires 326 seats to achieve a majority.  Voter turnout was 60%.

The Labor Party now holds 411 seats and replaces the Conservative Party as the majority party.  In the election 7/4/24, the Labor Party gained 214 seats and the Conservative Party lost 252 seats and now holds 121 seats. The Liberal Democrat Party won 64 seats and has a total of 72 seats.  That accounts for 604 seats. The 46 seats remaining went to minor parties like the Greens and other marginal parties.


European politics is in play.  The Left-Wing alliance continues to hold France. Conservatives gained seats, but fell short.  Conservatives gained seats in the EU Parliament election, but in the “in-country” elections, Liberal Parties dominate most European countries. They are typically parties voting for “free stuff” in exchange for less work. Pensions are available at 62 and 67. The UN reports that 196 are signed up for the Paris Climate Change Accords. Europe did support taking natural gas off the ban list. Gasoline prices range from $5 to $5.50 per gallon and gasoline tax averages 60%.

In the US, “Labor” is shifting to Trump, because of Biden’s open borders, 30% inflation, government overspending and high crime.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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