Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Man Made Global Warming is a Hoax

December 21, 2012 TPATH - Over these past decades we have been told that man is heating up the globe, melting the polar ice caps,  raising the sea levels, growing the deserts and drowning polar bears.

They have tried everything under the sun, while ignoring the sun, to convince us that humankind is destroying the planet.  They have manipulated software programs when results did not conform to their ideology, then lied about the results and the manipulations.

Except for labeling us as stupid if we don't "just believe what they tell us", they have failed to produce even the smallest bit of evidence that proves this massive ecosystem is being changed by humans. The reason they have not, is they can't, there isn't any.

TPATH has, over these years, written to many of these so called scientists and asked them for the proof they claim they have.  We informed them that we were intelligent enough to understand any data they could show.

Well, of course TPATH never received anything close to proof.  A few told us that CO2 was cumulative and no matter how little man puts in the air, it stays there, and that's their proof.

Really? That is proof? Its not even factual.   A large amount of Carbon Dioxide is broken down everyday through plants using it, as well as many other chemicals that come in contact with it.

So what facts prove and dispel  the myth of man made global warming?  Its called mathematical common sense and is not derived from a pre-conceived outcome based computer manipulation.

The proof we have is in the numbers and geological core samples, which have no agenda.  Just data and repeatable outcome.

Its certain that most people do not like 
big numbers or small fractions.  

That is why the leftists feel they can fool you.  You see, they have looked at the numbers for you, so you don't have to.  All you have to do is believe what they tell you.  And then all you need do is pay the price, in carbon taxes and loss of your standard of living.

TPATH knows our readers are able to look at and understand numbers and fractions, so here they are.  They represent proof beyond any doubt that man has neither caused global warming nor could he do anything about it.

1. Humans produce approximately 6 billion tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) every year.  This sounds like an immense number and it would be if 6 billion tons of anything were dumped on your front lawn.  All of the speculation and fear mongering of the left, use that number to push the agenda.

2. The total amount of CO2 on the earth today is:

  41,120,000,000,000  (41 trillion tons)

3. The percentage of that amount, which humans are responsible for is:

     0.000145%  (that over 7 thousand times smaller than 1%)

4. The amount of CO2 in just the atmosphere is

    720,000,000,000 (720 billion tons)

5. Even if every bit of CO2 man creates, stayed in the atmosphere, which it does not, the percentage of the total amount would be:

   0.0083%  (that is over 120 times smaller than 1%)

6. Since 1901 until today, 110 years, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by:

 0.0007% (that is almost 1,430 times smaller than 1%)

7. If that rate continues and if man and not nature is responsible for the entire increase, it will take 1,425 years to increase the amount of CO2 in the air by 1%.

8. The total of 6 billion tons, referenced above, includes not only machinery and energy producing industry, but it also includes the CO2 breathed out by humans.  In fact, it includes everything related to the human existence. This fact is conveniently left out when the left reports the CO2 tonnage spoiling the atmosphere.

9. If half of the world's population disappeared, and half the cars, trucks, trains, planes, factories, power plants, houses, schools and office buildings, were also to miraculously disappear for one year, the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere would be reduced by: 

0.00415%  ( that is 240 times less than 1%) 

10. Core samples prove that CO2 has very little relationship to global temperatures.  Many periods of earth's history have had much higher levels of CO2 than today but had much colder temperatures.

11. For something to be a scientific fact it must be provable and it must be repeatable.  Since global temperatures have been recorded sometimes higher and sometimes lower based on a specific CO2 percentage, CO2 can not be considered as the cause.

In conclusion, humans are incapable of controlling, causing or changing the ecosystem of this planet. That is a mathematical certainty.  The CO2 humans contribute to the atmosphere has less impact on the total amount than adding a teaspoon of water to an Olympic sized swimming pool would have.

What is also a certainty, is that any mathematician or scientist who tells you anything else, is lying.  Some of them may want to believe  so strongly that the outcome of their thinking is just as flawed as the outcome of a manipulated software program.

The sooner we let all the thieves pushing this hoax know that we are onto them, the longer we will be able to hold onto our wallets. 

Global Warming is all about stealing from the productive. Nothing more.
Nothing less.

Source: December 21, 2012 TPATH

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