Sunday, March 15, 2015

Patient Rights Abuse

110 Bills Currently Being Proposed in 36 States to Enact Medical Tyranny Regarding Vaccines
Posted on March 15, 2015 Written by health Health Impact Edi­tor Comments
Do not be dis­cour­aged by this report just released by the National Vac­cine Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter! Cit­i­zens across the U.S. are tak­ing action to oppose these bills, and there have been some recent vic­to­ries as bills in Ore­gon and Wash­ing­ton to expand med­ical tyranny regard­ing forced vac­cines have been defeated (for now)!
Be sure to sign up for the NVIC Por­tal to keep abreast of pro­posed bills in your state to take away your rights to choose your own med­ical treatment.

URGENT Action Update on Pro­posed Bills Threat­en­ing Exemp­tions, Forc­ing Vac­cines and Tracking

Action Alert Instruc­tions
March 11, 2015 Update
Dear NVIC Advo­cacy Team Members,
The war on fam­i­lies mak­ing selec­tive and informed vac­ci­na­tion deci­sions con­tin­ues to rage in state leg­is­la­tures across the coun­try. As of March 11, 2015, NVIC is track­ing 110 bills across 36 states!
[Scroll down to see a list of all the bills.] There is no coin­ci­dence regard­ing com­mon bill lan­guage remov­ing rights appear­ing in bills across the coun­try. This is an orches­trated leg­isla­tive effort by those who want to force vac­ci­na­tion. Dead­lines to file bills are hap­pen­ing now and com­mit­tee hear­ings are start­ing to kick into full gear. Some bills are surg­ing for­ward and imme­di­ate action is needed while in other states, active oppo­si­tion and edu­ca­tion has made a pro­found impact to slow­ing the bills down.
ELIMINATING AND RESTRICTING VACCINE EXEMPTIONS Hear­ings to remove philosophical/conscientious exemp­tions to vac­cine man­dates have already taken place in Wash­ing­ton and Ore­gon.  Cal­i­for­nia, Maine, Min­nesota, Penn­syl­va­nia, Texas, and Ver­mont all have bills already filed or press announce­ments of bills about to be filed to remove philosophical/conscientious exemp­tions.  Con­necti­cut, Maine, Min­nesota and Texas have bills to sub­stan­tially restrict philosophical/conscientious exemp­tions. Reli­gious exemp­tions are also under attack. Mary­land, New Jer­sey, Rhode Island, Texas and Ver­mont have bills filed or announced to elim­i­nate reli­gious exemp­tions, and Illi­nois, New Mex­ico and Texas have bills filed or announced to uncon­sti­tu­tion­ally restrict reli­gious exemptions.
EXPANDED VACCINE MANDATES Fif­teen states have bills filed to expand vac­cine man­dates. These include Con­necti­cut, Florida, Indi­ana, Maine, Mary­land, Mon­tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Penn­syl­va­nia, Ten­nessee, Texas, Ver­mont, Vir­ginia, and West Vir­ginia. What is so dis­turb­ing about the Texas and Ver­mont bills are the vac­cine man­dates are for school employ­ees, and there are no philo­soph­i­cal or reli­gious exemp­tions allowed. These are the first states to go after teach­ers, school admin­is­tra­tors and school staff. Noth­ing like this has been passed before. It is very con­cern­ing that Hawaii, New York and Texas have bills filed to allow some minor chil­dren to con­sent to their own vac­cines behind their par­ents’ backs with­out their par­ents’ knowl­edge or con­sent. Cal­i­for­nia already has this lan­guage in statute. This is in vio­la­tion with fed­eral law that requires par­ents to get Vac­cine Infor­ma­tion State­ments so they can make an informed decision.
POLICE AND EMERGENCY POWERS Two states, Ari­zona and Texas, have bills that affect police and emer­gency pow­ers. The Texas bill gives the police the power to forcibly detain peo­ple only sus­pected of hav­ing been exposed to an infec­tious dis­ease and elim­i­nates the pro­tec­tive require­ment for a warrant.
EXPAND AND FORCE INTRUSIVE VACCINE TRACKING AND VACCINE DATA SHARING 11 states, Ari­zona, Idaho, Mary­land, Mis­souri, Mon­tana, New Hamp­shire, New Mex­ico, New York, South Dakota, Texas, and Ver­mont all have bills filed to require or expand vac­cine sta­tus track­ing in most cases with­out knowl­edge or con­sent to be used as manda­tory vac­cine enforce­ment systems.
PUBLICALLY PUBLISH EXEMPTION AND VACCINATION RATES Five states, Ari­zona, Mary­land, Mis­souri, Ore­gon, South Dakota, and Texas have bills filed to pub­li­cally release vac­ci­na­tion and exemp­tion rates by areas as small as indi­vid­ual schools and day care facil­i­ties to cre­ate an even more divi­sive, dis­crim­i­na­tory and prej­u­di­cial envi­ron­ment towards chil­dren with vac­cine exemp­tions. Iso­lat­ing and mar­gin­al­iz­ing healthy chil­dren whose par­ents don’t agree with all gov­ern­ment man­dated vac­cines is un-American. These bills cre­ate an envi­ron­ment con­ducive to pit­ting par­ent against par­ent and child against child in an attempt to use com­mu­nity peer pres­sure as a club to coerce par­ents to vac­ci­nate against their con­science and reli­gious beliefs. These bills have noth­ing to do with pub­lic health and pro­tect­ing immune com­pro­mised stu­dents when you con­sider the fol­low­ing facts: Some peo­ple are non-responders to some vac­cines and vac­cine effec­tive­ness for some vac­cines, espe­cially for per­tus­sis con­tain­ing vac­cines, wanes rapidly. Some stu­dents are pro­vi­sion­ally enrolled and not fully vac­ci­nated. Fed­eral law, the McKinney-Vento Act, requires that home­less stu­dents be allowed to attend school with­out proof of immu­niza­tions. There are no require­ments that teach­ers, staff, and admin­is­tra­tion be vac­ci­nated with the same child­hood vac­cine sched­ule. These all are peo­ple who are no dif­fer­ent immuno­log­i­cally than a healthy stu­dent with a vac­cine exemp­tion and yet they rep­re­sent a much larger per­cent­age of the school pop­u­la­tion than the stu­dents with a vac­cine exemp­tion tar­geted by these bills. On the other hand, stu­dents with active HIV infec­tions are not only allowed to attend school, their con­fi­den­tial­ity of their infec­tion sta­tus is pro­tected in state and fed­eral law. Stu­dents who are vac­ci­nated with live viral vac­cines expe­ri­ence viral shed­ding and can infect sus­cep­ti­ble indi­vid­u­als for a period of sev­eral weeks post vac­ci­na­tion. Some peo­ple who are vac­ci­nated still get the ill­ness while some have sub­clin­i­cal infec­tions and can still trans­mit vac­cine pre­ventable dis­eases and not show symp­toms because the vac­cine sup­presses them. If this is all about pro­tect­ing health, where are all the bills requir­ing dis­clo­sures about all of the above to parents?
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Assess what you are up against in your state. Log into the NVIC Advo­cacy Por­tal at and look below to see a snap­shot of what bills are cur­rently filed in your state. First, con­tact your own leg­is­la­tors and their staff, and then ask your friends and fam­ily to do the same. Imme­di­ately con­tact your state leg­is­la­tors and con­nect to them from your heart about why these bills can hurt your fam­ily. Do not wimp out and just send an email if there is any way pos­si­ble you can meet with them in per­son or talk on the phone to them. Make them look into your eyes or hear your voice when you sin­cerely tell them about vac­cine reac­tions and health con­cerns for your fam­ily, how you and your chil­dren have been treated by doc­tors and your school over this issue, why you delay or decline vac­cines, and why they may want to pre­serve this right for them­selves and their own fam­ily in the future. If you fol­low a non-pharmaceutically based model of health care, tell them why. Edu­cate them. You have to con­nect to them on a per­sonal level so they can get this.  Find out what other bills they have spon­sored so you can find com­mon ground about things you both care and agree about to break the ice. We are fight­ing a very pow­er­ful pharma/medical forced vac­ci­na­tion lobby, but they don’t have these per­sonal con­nec­tions that con­stituents have.
Please reg­is­ter for the NVIC Advo­cacy Por­tal if you haven’t already and make it a habit to log in fre­quently to stay updated and learn what you can do to help with each bill in your state.  Reg­is­tra­tion is required so we can help con­nect you with your leg­is­la­tors. Check the bill sta­tus on the NVIC Advo­cacy Por­tal to see if you have any upcom­ing hear­ings on the bills and make every effort to attend the hear­ing and reg­is­ter your posi­tion on the bill and offer writ­ten and/or oral tes­ti­mony. Addi­tion­ally, one of the most help­ful addi­tional things you can do is to take proac­tive steps to reach out into your com­mu­nity to your local sup­port­ive health care prac­ti­tion­ers, par­ent­ing groups, polit­i­cal groups, nat­ural health web­sites and blogs, and friends and fam­ily ask­ing them to share this infor­ma­tion with their con­tacts so they can com­mu­ni­cate with their leg­is­la­tors too. Keep the media hon­est! If you see an arti­cle or news show some­where with mis­in­for­ma­tion, take the time to com­ment, sub­mit a let­ter, and reach out to news edi­tors to cor­rect the mis­in­for­ma­tion. Do not let these deci­sions be made for you by those whose power, posi­tions or profit are depen­dent on forced vaccination.
Register/Login to the NVIC Advo­cacy Por­tal at
Lookup your state leg­is­la­tors and their con­tact infor­ma­tion. Click on “Check What is Hap­pen­ing in Your State” on the home page or “My State” on the STATE TEAMS Tab.  Your per­sonal state leg­is­la­tors (House, Sen­ate, Gov­er­nor and Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor) are listed on the right side of the page. Click on them one at a time to dis­play their con­tact information.
Choose how you would like to deliver your mes­sage. The sug­gested modes of com­mu­ni­ca­tion below are listed in the order of being more likely to be more impact­ful on edu­cat­ing your leg­is­la­tor. Make the per­sonal appoint­ments. Please don’t think sign­ing a peti­tion is going to change anything.
a) Make an appoint­ment for a direct per­sonal visit;
b) Make an appoint­ment to talk directly in a per­sonal phone call;
c) Make an appoint­ment to talk in per­son to a leg­isla­tive aide;
d) Call and talk to a leg­isla­tive aide to relay a mes­sage; or e) Send an email through web con­tact forms or leg­isla­tive email address.
Sug­gested talk­ing points for state leg­is­la­tors: Intro­duce your­self and iden­tify your­self as a con­stituent.  (If this is a meet­ing or a phone call, ask them if they agree with the state­ment that nobody should be forced to sub­mit to any med­ical pro­ce­dure, includ­ing vac­ci­na­tion, which car­ries the risk of injury or death.) Share that you are very con­cerned about some of the divi­sive one-sided con­ver­sa­tions and bills being filed right now regard­ing vac­ci­na­tion exemp­tion rights (or bills filed in your state). Explain why it is impor­tant to your fam­ily to be able to delay or decline vac­ci­na­tion.  This is where you could share your vac­cine reac­tion, harass­ment, or vac­cine fail­ure story to per­son­al­ize your com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Explain that there are some very impor­tant rea­sons why legally pro­tect­ing the right to informed con­sent to vac­ci­na­tion with­out penalty by the state should be a pri­or­ity and these cru­cial points have been left out of the con­ver­sa­tion by forced vac­ci­na­tion proponents.
Vac­cines are phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts that cause injury and death for some.  The United States Gov­ern­ment has paid out more than $3 bil­lion dol­lars to vac­cine vic­tims. Many more peo­ple have adverse reac­tions. Nobody can pre­dict who will be harmed from vaccines.
Vac­cines man­u­fac­tur­ers and the doc­tors who admin­is­ter vac­cines are com­pletely shielded from lia­bil­ity for vac­cine injuries and deaths.
Vac­cines fail some­times where even fully vac­ci­nated peo­ple become infected.  Nobody can pre­dict who will or will not respond to vaccines.
Chil­dren today receive 69 doses of vac­cines for 16 dif­fer­ent viral and bac­te­r­ial ill­nesses which more than dou­bles the gov­ern­ment child­hood sched­ule of 34 doses of 11 dif­fer­ent vac­cines in the year 2000.  A vac­cine exemp­tion is filed regard­less of whether the exemp­tion is filed for one dose or all doses. 35 doses and 5 more unique vac­cines have been added to the sched­ule in the last 15 years. Those sup­port­ing forced vac­ci­na­tion are being dis­hon­est by not acknowl­edg­ing the explod­ing vac­cine sched­ule while sound­ing alarms over small increases in over­all non-medical exemptions.
There are hun­dreds of new vac­cines in devel­op­ment includ­ing some of the fol­low­ing in clin­i­cal tri­als: HIV, her­pes, E. coli, dengue fever, avian influenza, small­pox, tuber­cu­lo­sis, typhoid, norovirus, cholera, smok­ing ces­sa­tion, syphilis, and gon­or­rhea. If vac­cine man­u­fac­tures and oth­ers who profit from forced vac­ci­na­tion con­vince leg­is­la­tors take away our right to delay or decline a vac­cine now, what will our future look like?
In the past 5 years, drug mak­ers have paid the U.S. Gov­ern­ment $19.2 bil­lion in crim­i­nal and civil FRAUD penal­ties. Skep­ti­cism of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal indus­try is well deserved, and it doesn’t imply a skep­ti­cism of science.
Physi­cians, in the Amer­i­can Med­ical Asso­ci­a­tion Code of Ethics, affirm philo­soph­i­cal and reli­gious exemp­tions for them­selves. See Opin­ion 9.133 Rou­tine Uni­ver­sal Immu­niza­tion of Physi­cians.  Par­ents should have that same right. Refer to “Measles in Dis­ney­land: Third MMR Shot and Vac­cine Exemp­tion Ban?”  by NVIC’s Pres­i­dent Bar­bara Loe Fisher for some illu­mi­nat­ing insight into facts that need to be exposed about the Cal­i­for­nia measles out­break and other vac­cine fail­ures.
Please for­ward this email to fam­ily and friends and ask them to share their con­cerns with their leg­is­la­tors as well. You can post the link to this alert on social media:
Refer to NVIC’s “Reform­ing Vac­cine Pol­icy and Law” guide for answers to ques­tions your leg­is­la­tors may have.  The fully ref­er­enced ver­sion can be found on our site posted at:—Law-Guide.aspx. You can include this link in your let­ters as well.

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