Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Importance of Your “World View”

If you believe that we are created in God’s image with free will, you will have a different “World View” than those who believe we “evolved” without a Creator. 
If you read the writings of Philosophers and Scientists who have published their “World View”, you will find a separation between Atheists and believers in God.
The next question is: “Why are we here” ?  Believers say we are here to “discover and do God’s Will”.  Atheists don’t know why they are here, so they may claim that we are the product of alien beings, or just the result of “evolution”.   
Your “Philosophy of Man”
Your “World View” includes your beliefs about human nature and what you believe about humans. Your opinions were probably formed by what you were taught, tempered by what you have experienced and observed for yourself. 
Believers and Atheists are further divided by those who view humans as unique individuals who need freedom to function well vs. those who view humans as “needing” supervision.   There are those differ on this in each camp.
A Successful Philosophy of Man
The one thing most successful people have in common is that they “love what they do”. This suggests that they were free to choose what they do, based on their unique talents, likes and skills.
It should also be clear that humans cannot be easily categorized by race, sex or nationality as superior or inferior.  Humans appear to be capable of reaching their aspirations, whatever they are if opportunities are available for them to prepare and engage. 
One of the smartest Software Developer I ever interviewed was a tall Black kid from Kenya named Goke. He attended a church school in his village and excelled. He won scholarships to the University of Michigan and held a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science with 4.0 gpas.
In countries run by those who think humans “need supervision”, most humans don’t do as well as they would in a country run by those who think humans are capable and need freedom to self-actualize and thrive.  Goke found missionary teachers who recognized his ability and helped him accelerate his abilities.  Unfortunately, most governments throughout the world are stuffed with bureaucrats who think humans “need supervision”.
In business, I always tried to find out what employees were “good at”.  That gave me some clue that they also “enjoyed that type of work”.  If I could hire an employee into a job that they “loved”, I wouldn’t need to worry that we miss-hired or were wasting talent or wouldn’t have talent to promote.  I installed the “Do what you Love” philosophy wherever I worked. 
I believe in Meritocracy, where talent can flourish. I am very suspicious of those who propose ridged approaches to achieve “equality”. Nobody wins in that environment.  Humans must be helped one at a time on their own terms.
Be Careful Who You Elect
Obama’s world view supports his life’s work is to transform the US into a socialist state like the USSR. He was raised by Communists, mentored and funded by Communists, raised in Muslim Indonesia and sponsored by Communist Democrats. 
He also wants to get revenge against colonialist countries who established colonies throughout the world over the past 500 years, including the US. He is aligned with Muslim causes and wants to immigrate all the Muslims he can into the US as quickly as possible.
He supports “open borders”, the end of sovereign countries and establish a communist global government ruled by an elite criminal oligarchy fronted by the UN. He is the primary implementer of UN Agenda 21 using the global warming hoax as his excuse. This plan requires a 90% reduction in the global population. The remaining 500 million humans who survive the extermination will be slaves to the global state.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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