Friday, March 20, 2015

UN Agenda 21 Tyranny Ahead

What COULD America Look Like in a UN Agenda World?
World population reduced by 80-90%
Abolish private property rights and the middle class
Walkable cities, travel severely restricted
50%+ of all land will be turned back to Wildlands (Wildlands Project) and heavily controlled activity on most of the rest of the American land.
Global ownership of all resources (fuel, food, water)
Animals will have more rights than humans
Complete government control over every aspect of human life.
Replace Judeo-Christian values with Pantheism
Global economic policy and law
There will be two classes of people: Elite, Serf
Loss of National Sovereignty
Disarmed citizenry
UN Control of the military
Children will have no alliance to parents or country
Educate children to be citizens of the world
In the UNESCO program called “United Nations’ Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.” It is their stated goal in this program to steal one generation of children and teach them to place loyalty to the state above loyalty to the family. Once this objective has been realized, it is a simple task to then inculcate the children with the basic tenets of sustainable development.
These tenets include: End of national sovereignty Abolition of private property Restructuring of the family unit Restriction of individual mobility and opportunity Abandonment of constitutional rights Relocation of people into smart growth zones

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