Friday, July 17, 2015

Government Mal-Investment

A Sidewalk Nobody Wants, AJC 7/16/15 Metro reports on a nation-wide problem being caused by federal grants to states. DeKalb County could get a $120,000 grant to put in a sidewalk on Evans Dale Drive and residents don’t want it.  They would rather have their streets fixed.
Metro Atlanta is mostly residential and the problem is rotten streets and not much progress in restoring these streets.
Obama’s “squander-grants” don’t fund things we need.  But our “elected officials” don’t care what we need.
The grant funds we spend on things we don’t need are funds the federal government doesn’t have. This kind of federal spending is already a government spending bubble that will turn us into Greece. This is all borrowed and printed money and will result in more bubbles and financial meltdowns and will lead to a US dollar crash.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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