Sunday, October 18, 2015

Obamacare’s Illegals

Guess How Many Illegals Just Got Kicked Out of Obamacare
Since officials have begun enforcing the time limit that immigrants have to prove they are eligible to receive Obamacare, more than 423,000 immigrants have lost their coverage.
That’s at least 423,000 people who failed to prove that they are in this country legally who have been receiving Obamacare at taxpayer expense.
This completely contradicts what Obama himself assured us of when he was trying to get Obamacare passed into law.
Immigrants have a generous 95-day window in order to prove their eligibility, but, until recently, that limit was not enforced. As a result, illegals have been allowed to take advantage of Obamacare for much longer periods.
According to Breibart,
Representatives for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) insist that illegals would not be engaging in the system, so, they reason that those losing their coverage must be legal if they were risking alerting authorities to their status.
Detractors of Obamacare point out that these numbers make it clear that hundreds of thousands of illegal residents were getting Obamacare coverage despite that they didn’t qualify for it.
Worse, they say that the $3,000 penalty for legal employees encourages employers to hire illegals to avoid the fee compounding the problem.
Many clear-thinking individuals knew this was going to be a problem well before Obamacare was passed. The question is, now that we have proof that the system is being abused, what do we do about it?

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