Tuesday, October 20, 2015

US Needs a new Business Plan

From 1789 to 1860 the US Business Plan for the federal government was to allow states to be included in the United States voluntarily.  Federal functions were limited by the enumerated powers in the US Constitution.  The Federal government maintained a Legislature consisting of a Senate and House, a federal court and an executive responsible for administering constitutional laws passed by the Legislature and approved by the President and for maintaining defensive military force, coining money and administering immigration and treaties. The federal government was funded by tariffs, which are sales taxes on imports. The private sector economy supported the citizens, not the government. 
In 1860, the Federal government ended the voluntary right of states to remain in the “union” , then attacked those states who seceded from the “union” and won that war in 1865. 
From 1965 to 1913 the federal government operated in compliance with the Constitution, but violated it in the 1870s by stealing land from states to create “National Parks”.
In 1913, the federal government passed amendments to allow for “Income Tax” and assigned its money coining responsibilities to the Federal Reserve, an independent regulatory entity controlled by bankers.
In 1917, the US joined the allies in World War I and got credit for winning it in 1918.
In the 1930s the federal government passed many unconstitutional laws and assumed many unconstitutional responsibilities including Social Security, Labor, Education and expanded National Parks.
In 1941 the US joined the allies in World War II and got credit for winning it in 1945.
In 1945 the US became officially the World’s policeman and philanthropist.
From 1945 to 1993, the US Business Plan included providing military defense of the “free world” and benefactor to the 3rd world.  In addition, the US added social welfare “benefits” to its list of expenditures. 
In 1965 the US expanded immigration and it rose from 200,000 to 500,000 immigrants per year.  It doubled to 1 million a year in 1989 and rose to 2 million and 3 million a year.  
In 1993 the US began to off-shore its manufacturing jobs that included design and services.  The result of NAFTA and other trade agreements to off-shore jobs plus excessive immigration policies would result in 38% real unemployment of US citizens. This was the end of the US ability to pay for all that the government had added.
The government also passed regulations in1993 that required banks to lend money to un-creditworthy borrowers resulting in the 2008 Meltdown.
The cost of funding wars from 1990 to 2015, plus maintaining welfare plans since 1964, plus maintaining open borders brought the National Debt to $10 trillion by 2008.  Fraudulent federal stimulus spending has the debt approaching $20 trillion.
The federal government now spends twice what it takes in revenue and needs to cut $1 trillion from its $4 trillion budget.  The cost of government and the industries it has taken over require that we allow the private sector to reassume responsibilities for lending, education, and healthcare.
We need a new business plan.  We need to cut expenses.  The battle in the congress reveals the factions vying for supremacy.
Those who want the US to keep the same business plan will appeal to our “ignorance”.
Those who want the US to continue to remain the world’s policeman will appeal to our “pride”.
Those who want the US to continue to import more immigrants will appeal to our “charity”.
Those who want the US to continue to add bad trade agreements that erode our sovereignty appeal to our “stupidity”.
Those who want the US to reduce spending and pay down the debt first will appeal to our “economic survival instincts”.
Those who want the US to continue to elect the same guys to Congress will appeal to our “suicidal tendencies”.
Sure, we need to take steps to control who we let into the country and may need to help destroy Islamic terrorists, but we can’t have it both ways.  We may need to deport immigrants and those who refuse to assimilate. We need to pick sides and not support Palestine or any other terrorist state.  We may need to trust other countries to become their own policemen or charge them for the service we perform.  We will need job growth of 50 million jobs to be able to pay for all of this.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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