Monday, September 5, 2016

Excessive Environmentalism by Stealth

In the 1960s, the environmental movement was infiltrated by the American Communist Party.  The environmental movement was unleashed in 1969 when the Hudson River in New York City caught fire due to chemical dumping.  Congressmen purchased by the environmentalist went overboard.  The EPA was created to give the federal government responsibility for the environment.

Hiding environmental regulations into trade agreements is a sneaky way for Congress to keep out-of-control special interests from unseating them.  Environmental NGOs are expert at surgically removing elected officials who challenge their agenda. 

All of our trade agreements impose tighter environmental regulations against ourselves, but do not impose any on foreign trading partners.

We need to disarm special interest groups so that Marxist environmental groups cannot blackmail members of Congress into allowing their job-killing and economy-killing regulations.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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