Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Funding our own destruction

This federal refugee contracting agency is 97% taxpayer funded, by Ann Corcoran 9/5/16

I’m talking about the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) which is the contractor responsible for refugees arriving in Twin Falls, Idaho. USCRI is also the agency embroiled in the controversy about bringing Syrian Muslims to Rutland, VT.

This is the second in my series on the US State Department’s nine major resettlement contractors***.  I told you about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) here a couple of days ago.  I’ve reported on the nine (really quasi-government agencies) many times over the years, but it’s been about 2 years since I examined each of their financial statements closely, and since we have so many new readers I figured it was time to do it again.

The information on USCRI is from its 2014 Form 990 to the IRS: They had a total revenue that year of $51,524,570. Of that $46,560,452 is from government grants (that is you). They had another $3.4 million from various fees and contracts.  $1.9 million of that was from those air fare loans I told you about in the post on LIRS. I expect that most of the $3.4 comes from government sources of funding.

Run those numbers and you will see this means that 97% of their funds are from federal, state and local tax payers. Forget that warm and fuzzy spin about charity and “humanitarianism!” They couldn’t exist without your money and without Congress shelling it out to them!


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