Saturday, August 31, 2024

Restoring Manufacturing Jobs 8-31-24

By 2000, the US had solved the quality problems we encountered in the 1970s, using 3D laser testing and implementing Computer Integrated Manufacturing using laser measurement software. Machining 3D parts were controlled by CAD systems. The Bill of Materials was included in these CAD drawings. Automobile Manufacturing was improved to allow cars to last longer than 100,000 miles and fuel economy had improved. 

Before we off-shored US manufacturing, we had manufacturing plants in Rural Counties to give family farmers a good job in town, so they could afford to be farmers. Rural Counties would offer tax holidays to companies to build factories. This also gave city-dwellers a chance to escape their over-crowded, expensive cities. These Rural Counties are often in the Exurbs of large cities where the workforce has already moved. The Counties with access to rail and highway systems and the workforce skills will do well. With the increase in population Rural Counties can restore the healthcare they lost in the off-shoring.


We moved from Exurbs of St. Louis in St. Charles County MO to Salina KS in 1975 to join Schwan Foods. Salina had a population of 40,000 and was a “market town” for the wheat farmers. We had 40 manufacturing plants in Salina. We enjoyed a shorter commute to work and enjoyed boating, camping and riding our horse. We were there for 8 years. Our kids ranged in age from 2 to 10 and Salina was the perfect place for us.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Reducing Federal Land 8-31-24

We need to transfer ownership of Federal Land back to the States to allow the States to increase the production of what we consume. We need to increase US forest production to decrease the cost of lumber used to build single-family homes. We also need to reduce the cost of Composite Lumber to use in housing construction by increasing the supply. 

The US Federal Government owns 30% of the US land mass, but Section 8 of the US Constitution makes no mention of National Parks or National Forests or Wetlands or other non-producing lands.

States       % Federal Land

Nevada           80.1%

Utah                64.9%

Idaho              61.63%

Alaska            60%

Oregon          52.95%

Wyoming       48.14%

California      47.7%

Arizona         38.61%

Colorado      35.9%

New Mexico 34.7%

Montana      28.95%

Washington 28.52%

Florida        13.25%

These States could increase their Nominal GDP if the State owned the land. They could restore forestry and end the annual forest fire festivals we have witnessed for decades by selling forest land to US Citizen owners and US corporations. They could lease or sell land to farmers and ranchers. They could sell land for mines to increase supply of minerals and lower the cost. They could lease or sell land to oil and gas drillers to increase supply and lower the cost.  These States could increase water supplies to desert land to make it habitable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bond Scam 8-30-24

The bulk of our property taxes goes to public schools. 

Public School Districts fund their new school construction by selling Bonds. A 30 year Bond, paying 5% interest results in doubling the cost of the new school. Austin School is in Dunwoody GA and is a block away from our house and there was nothing wrong with it.  They tore down this smaller 40 year-old school and built a larger school. The published cost was $20 million. But because this was financed with Bond Sales, the real cost was $40 million. This was unnecessary. Public School Districts should stop using Bonds and should be able to maintain their school buildings to last 100 years. To replace schools, they should set up an accrual account to invest and use as needed.

State Governments also fund their big projects by selling Bonds. They too should set up an accrual account to invest and use as needed.

Bond Investors are not going to like what I am proposing.

Public Schools are funded by Property Taxes.

Florida’s property tax rate is 0.80%, which is lower than the U.S. average (0.99%). The typical homeowner in Florida pays $2,338 annually in property taxes, although that amount varies greatly between counties.

Georgia’s average property tax is $2027. The US average property tax is $2795.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Tort Reform 8-30-24

State Legislatures are focusing on Medical Malpractice and Personal injury cases. Judges in many States have no caps on Judgements and end up negotiating with Insurance Companies. Non-Economic Pain and Suffering Judgements have been excessive. 

The American College of Surgeons have recommended that pain and suffering damages should be capped at $250,000.

Pain and suffering payout amounts range from $7,000 to $740,550*. Your payout amount is based on how much you've been impacted compared to the 'most extreme case' (MEC).

Economic damages refers to compensation for objectively verifiable monetary losses such as past and future medical expenses, loss of past and future earnings, loss of use of property, costs of repair or replacement, the economic value of domestic services, and loss of employment or business opportunities.

Non-economic damages refers to compensation for subjective, non-monetary losses such as pain, suffering, inconvenience, emotional distress, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive damages refers to damages awarded for the purpose of punishment -- to deter intentional or reckless behavior or actions motivated by malice. Punitive damages are neither economic nor non-economic damages, as they are not awarded to compensate any loss.

The AMA has weighed in with detailed State by State recommendations.

There were 1,044,734 licensed physicians in the United States in 2023.

The highest Malpractice court decision was $8.3 million in Maryland in 2024. This was reduced to $1.3 million.

The Georgia Composite Medical Board ("Board") is authorized to deny, revoke, suspend, fine, reprimand or otherwise limit the license of a physician or physician assistant for all the grounds set forth in O.C.G.A.

The Supreme Court of Georgia regulates the practice of law in Georgia and has the final say regarding any public discipline against a lawyer.

Georgia law has a penalty for filing a frivolous lawsuit. The Georgia Code states that someone is liable for abusive litigation if they act maliciously and without substantial justification. Frivolous claims include claims that lack substantial justification, are not made in good faith, or are made with malice or a wrongful purpose. - Georgia Code § 9-11-68

There are more than 1.3 million lawyers in the United States. To be more precise, there were 1,331,290 active lawyers as of Jan. 1, 2023, according to the ABA National Lawyer Population Survey, a tally of lawyers in every U.S. state and territory. 72% of all Lawyers are Democrats.

This Tort reform includes review of other Insurance costs for property damage and personal injury.

Georgia Legislators mentioned that businesses could not afford their premiums and insurance companies were pulling out of Georgia.


I would add looking at discouraging frivolous law suits and consequences for property damage and malicious prosecution.

Libel and slander are protected by the First Amendment's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, the truth of a statement is usually a defense to defamation. For example, if someone can prove that an accusation was a lie, they can sue for slander. 

Defamation is a tort that includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken statements). It's a statement that injures a third party's reputation. Defamation is usually not a federal question, and the statute of limitations regulations and laws that will be applied will depend on the location where you file. Each state in the U.S. usually has its statute of limitations, with most limiting to a year (some are as long as three years)

Libel and Slander Laws

Libel and slander laws offer legal recourse for someone whose name is being unjustly dragged through the mud. The law has developed a complex set of standards for protecting public and private figures. For example, the Court has held that actual malice is when the defamation was published with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false. 

Defamation in the US

Libel or defamation is now primarily a civil claim, although it once was primarily a criminal offense, prosecuted by the government and punishable by imprisonment or a fine. State common law and statutory law governs defamation actions, and each state varies in their standards for defamation and potential damages.

If we had real laws to discourage libel and slander, we wouldn’t have to watch any campaign ads on TV.

A good part of Atlanta’s auto insurance cost increases is tied to the dangerous complexity of our road and highway “improvements”. Roundabouts and elevated highways are dangerous, road lanes are too narrow, 12-foot bike paths are unnecessary and express lane tolling is a trap that complicates highway use. Building a link from US 27 to I-85 and I-75 would allow 18-wheelers to bypass Atlanta. Bad road and highway “improvements” are the reason for high auto insurance costs.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


EV Disaster 8-29-24

The Biden-Harris Administration set mandatory implementation of EVs and are responsible for this EV disaster. The two-thirds edict is 2032. US Consumers will ignore this mandate. The US market share of EVs will likely remain around 8% and decline from there. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today finalized a new emissions rule for light-duty and medium-duty vehicles that would require up to two-thirds of new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. to be electric vehicles (EVs) in eight years. - Mar 20, 2024

Tesla laid off 10% of workforce due to lower sales and diminishing outlook. The US market share for EVs is 8% in 2024.

Ford losses are $5T in 2024 due to low EV sales. Ford's losses per EV topped a staggering $100,000 during the first quarter, which was reportedly more than double the loss per EV last year. One issue is simply the high costs -- including batteries, which remain one of the largest costs of EVs. -Jun 18, 2024

Ford delays new EV plant, cancels electric three-row SUV as it shifts strategy -Aug 21,2024.

General Motors cancels EV-only strategy, will make hybrids for U.S. market. General Motors is joining other automakers in prioritizing hybrid production as the car industry looks to balance stringent emissions requirements with slower-than-expected electric vehicle sales. -Feb 1, 2024

Honda will end EV Production in January 2024. -Dec 14, 2023

Automakers are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans. Automakers from Ford Motor and General Motors Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans.

EV unsold inventory in the US is 3,166,209 units. -8-1-24

The average price of a new EV in May 2024 was $56,648, according to Kelley Blue Book, or about 15% lower than two years earlier, when the average price was $65,000. Unsold inventory is $1.90 billion.

EV euphoria is dead. Automakers are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans. -Mar 13 2024


The Biden-Harris administration has squandered $2 trillion with $7,500 bribes and $billions in retooling expenses. All auto manufacturers will be moving to hybrids and gas powered cars and trucks. The new plants under construction will stop. Over-the road, 18-wheel EV trucks are dead. We need to re-elect Trump to recover from this boondoggle.

As of April 2024, the average price for an electric school bus is around $352,000, which is about three and a half times the price of diesel buses, which cost less than $100,000 on average. Harris likes EV School Buses.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Trump Campaign 8-29-24

Trump’s common-sense agenda is listed on a flier provided by the Georgia Republican Party. 

1 Eliminate taxes on Social Security for seniors

2. Let the voters in each State determine their own abortion policies.

3. Secure the southern border, deport criminal illegals and demolish the foreign drug cartels.

4. Rebuild our cities.

5. Keep violent criminals off the streets.

6. Keep men out of women’s sports and protect women’s scholarships by reversing the Biden-Harris rewrite of Title IX.

7. Unleash American Energy Production to lower gas prices and inflation.

8. Stop the out-of-control spending to end inflation.

9. Eliminate taxes on tips for tip-based workers.

On the reverse side of the flier and 10 policies proving Kamala Harris is failed, weak and dangerously Liberal.

As San Francisco District Attorney:

1.  Granted Probation to a violent criminal that then murdered two men.

2.  Shielded convicted crack dealers suspected of being illegal immigrants from federal immigration officials.

As California Attorney General:

3.  Opposed concealed carry permits for law abiding citizens unless they could demonstrate and extraordinary need to carry a gun beyond concern for personal safety.

4.  Categorized rape of an unconscious person, human trafficking involving sex acts with minors, assault with a deadly weapon and more as “non-violent crimes, allowing inmates who committed those offences to receive earlier parole.

As a US Senator:

5.  Encouraged donations to a fund that bailed out now convicted rapists, assaulters and murderers.

6.  Co-sponsored Berine Sanders’ $32 trillion Medicare For All healthcare takeover plan that would raise taxes, increase national debt and functionally eliminate private health insurance.

7.  Co-sponsored Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s $93 trillion Green New Deal, which would kill 2 million American jobs and cost the average family $165,000.

As Vice President:

8.  Failed on the economy, with inflation reaching a 40-year high and grocery prices rising over 21%.

9.  Failed as Border Czar, allowing over 10 million people to enter the US illegally.

10. Crippled domestic oil and gas production, driving gas prices up over 30%.     


They forgot:

The CARES Act cost was $3.4 trillion and was passed in 2020 by the Democrat House and Senate and signed by Biden in 2021. Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote to pass the $1.7 trillion “Inflation Reduction Act in 2021 that caused the inflation spike in 2022. Feb 28, 2023 — The federal government has provided about $4.6 trillion to help the nation respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the $4.6 trillion authorized by Democrats remains unspent, and should be clawed back to reduce the debt.

The cumulative inflation impact from all of these appropriations is more like 35% and is global because of energy price increases that impact transportation and fertilizer costs. The illegal immigrant invasion is understated at 10 million. It is probably approaching 20 million.

The cost of illegals is estimated at $451 billion per year.

Federal overspending moved the US Nominal GDP from $21T in 2020 to $27T in 2024 and set off the US inflation and moved the National Debt to $35T. In 2020, the federal government spent around $260 billion on interest. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest payments on federal debt will total $892 billion in 2024. Inflation in 2020 was 1.4%. Cumulative inflation from 2021 to 2024 is running at 35% if you count the CPI plus food, consumer goods, fuel, rent, utilities, insurance and interest costs. 

The COVID cost in 2020 was $5 trillion. The cost in 2021 was $28 billion. The cost in 2022 was $2 billion. Six COVID-19 relief laws enacted in 2020 and 2021 provided about $4.6 trillion of funding for pandemic response and recovery. -Feb 28, 2023

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

College Scam 8-28-24

US colleges have spent $billions to offer what can be viewed as an unnecessary $200,000 vacation for your 18 year-olds. The campuses are stunning, but the costs and the realities are a scam. 

In 2021, about 174.9 billion U.S. dollars were funded by the government for postsecondary education programs in the United States. Jul 5, 2024. This funding should be eliminated in 2025 for those Universities that allowed pro Hamas demonstrations in 2024.

“Less popular colleges” lists 40 US colleges that show pictures of pristine campuses with high drop-out rates and high student loan balances. The Grads Average Salary below is the average of grads after 5 years of work following their graduation.

College                   Tuition/yr    Grads Ave Salary

Colorado College    $50,000     $38,000

Florida Memorial     $23,000     $36,500

Mt Holyoak             $50,000     $50,000

Univ Cincinnati       $13,176     $27,000

Macalester             $54,000     $48,000

Agnes Scott           $41 000     $39,000

Hardwick               $48,120      $48,500

Lawrence              $47,000      $44,000

The big lie is that you need to go to college in order to make more money. This is true for those who get occupational degrees that are in demand like doctors, nurses and engineers. Most college grads have non-occupational degrees that don’t demand higher pay.

The number of college grads over age 25 break down by Race and Gender.

Asian 61%   These have occupational technical degrees like engineering and math.

White 41.9% These have occupational and non-occupational non-technical degrees.

Black 28.1%

Hispanic 20.6%

Women  39%

Men       37%

The average salary for Trade School Grads is $67,149 or $32/hr and represent 20% of the US workforce. Trade School enrollment is up since 2021, because of lower costs and higher earnings. College enrollment is down since 2021 because of high tuition costs and lower earnings.


High School students really need to identify their motivated abilities and earnings requirements as they choose their training after high school. We are happier and more successful if we choose careers we are good at and enjoy.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Regional Wasteful Spending 8-28-24

The Atlanta Regional Commission is an unelected group of UN Agenda 21 implementers. They work with the Georgia Department of Transportation to make things worse. ARC is the regional planning and inter-governmental coordination agency for the 11-county Atlanta region. We defeated the ARC $18B TSPLOST in 2012, because it solved nothing while costing double. $9B was a MARTA bailout. 

Their latest foray in Urban Planning is their “first-ever transportation Master Plan adopted in 2021.” They are starting with a “mobility hub” in South Forsythe County where GA 400 and McFarland Parkway collide.

“The McFarland Mobility Hub Feasibility Study seeks to seamlessly link cycling, walking, transit and cars, while positioning the area for future technologies like autonomous vehicles and air taxis. It is the first livable centers initiative since it joined the Atlanta Regional Commission in 2021.”

“The grant program encourages communities in the Atlanta Region to develop strategies to curtail vehicle traffic.” Eric Bosman, project manager with Kimley Horn is also considering  the GA-400 Bus Rapid Transit Project at Winward Parkway park and ride. This would offer 400 to 500 parking spaces, a dozen EV charging stations and a half-dozen bike lockers.”  -Dunwoody Crier 7-25-24.

We expect that the cost and limitations of EVs will result in very low EV sales.

Autonomous vehicles and air taxis are unsafe and might not be useable for decades.

Livable Centers is new-speak for Transit Villages.

80% of EV owners charge their EVs at home.

MARTA has bike racks at 37 MARTA stations.

Dunwoody has a bike path on Ashford Dunwoody Rd to MARTA at Perimeter Mall

We are not likely to see any more Federal Grants for UN Agenda 21 implementation after 2025.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Being Human 8-27-24

Human anatomy, self-healing capabilities and instincts are similar to other mammals. Medical Research uses animals to test drugs and treatments to ensure safety prior to clinical trials. Many animals have been domesticated and are raised on farms to provide food for humans. Cows produce milk used to make butter and cheese and are also a source of meat. Chickens produce eggs and are also used as food. Pigs are raised to produce food. Protein is necessary for Humans and most of it comes from eating meat and fish. Protein also comes from milk, cheese and eggs. We share the need for water, rest, sleep, security, healing and shelter. 

Our shared instincts include reproduction and nesting. We are territorial when our survival is at risk. We choose flight or fight when we feel unsafe. We share raising our off-spring until they are ready to leave the nest.

Being Human brings skills not shared with our fellow mammals. Humans have been blessed with the ability to develop language, writing, problem solving, inventions and technological innovations. Over the past 10,000 years we have developed new tools for hunting and discoveries like metallurgy. Humans have managed to improve our standard of living and expanded our life expectancy. What began as trade between tribes has become global trade between countries. Our understanding of Science, the Earth and the Universe has expanded over the past 200 years.

Our current concerns are economic as we try to find jobs for 8 billion people. Developed countries have jobs in large cities, but the need for jobs is in the rural areas. The poorest countries are in Africa, the Middle East and South America. The wealthiest countries include the US, Europe and parts of Asia.

In 2023, Canada's total health care spending was expected to be $344 billion, or $8,740 per person, which is about 12.1% of the country's GDP.  The population in Canada was 40.1 million.

In 2023, the UK's healthcare expenditure was estimated to be around £292 billion, which is a 5.6% increase in nominal terms, but a 1.4% decrease when adjusted for inflation.  Population in the UK was 67.6 million.

In 2023, healthcare spending in the United States is projected to have increased 7.5% to $4.8 trillion. 

The US population was 335 million. Medicare fraud costs $60B/yr. Medical Insurance coverage needs to be paired back to include costs that are “medically necessary” to rescue and repair. Patients need to study nutrition and weight control.

The leading causes of death in 2023 were:

Heart Disease




Lower Respiratory






Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Religion 8-27-24

Religion began when ancient rulers saw the advantages of having a common culture and avoid blame for things going wrong.  The earliest religions focused on nature and the need to survive. Later religions invented their gods to represent love, war, treachery and other human behaviors. They had invented their gods and made them in their own human image. The first monotheistic god was the sun, Later the Jews proclaimed that the God of Abraham was the Creator. 

Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in 380 AD as decreed by Emperor Theodosius. Christianity was a Jewish Sect that was foretold in the Jewish Scriptures and dated back to Abraham in 2091BC. The Bible included the Old Testament covering the Jewish Scriptures that described God as the Creator and included the prophesy that God would send a Redeemer.

The New Testament was added, covering the life of Jesus Christ, who Christians believed was the Redeemer. Christianity was established in Europe. The Roman Catholic Church became part of the Roman government and in 800AD the Holy Roman Empire connected all of Europe’s Countries. This resulted in peace between countries, but it also corrupted the Roman Catholic Church. In 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses and began the Protestant Reformation. In 1534, England broke with the Catholic Church and established the Anglican Church under King Henry VIII. 

The discovery of America in 1492 by Columbus was a game-changer for Europe. The British Colonies began in 1600 with Protestants fleeing religious persecution and with the promise of land ownership in the Colonies. Families had Bibles and learned to read. The Colonies prospered under self-rule until 1765, when the British Parliament imposed the Stamp Act. The Colonies were In 1783 Britain signed the Treaty of Paris that recognized the US. In 1789 the US Founders codified US Law to conform to Judeo-Christian principles and allowed for freedom of religion.

In 2021, Religion in EU member countries reported Christianity as the dominant religion.

Christianity: 72.8% of the population, including 45.3% Catholic, 9.9% Eastern Orthodox, 8.3% Protestant, and 2.6% other Christian. 

As of August 2024, the religious breakdown of the United States is as follows: 

Protestantism: 33% 

Catholicism: 22% 

Non-specific Christian: 11% 

Judaism: 2% 

Mormonism: 1% 

Other religions: 6% 

Unaffiliated with organized forms of religion: 22% 

No answer: 3% 

According to Worldometer, as of 2024, the global population is made up of the following religions: 

Christianity: 31% of the world's population, or 2,173,180,000 people. This includes 50% Catholic, 37% Protestant, 12% Orthodox, and 1% other. 

Islam: 23% of the world's population, or 1,598,510,000 people. This includes 87–90% Sunni and 10–13% Shia. 

No religion: 16% of the world's population, or 1,126,500,000 people. 

Other religions include Hinduism (15%), Buddhism (7%), folk religions (5.6%), Indigenous religions (5.9%), and other religions (0.8%). 

Christianity recognizes free will. The global population is at 8 billion. 2.2 billion are Christian. The other 5.8 billion have their religions tied to their cultures. 1.6 billion are Muslim and it is imposed on their populations by force. 3.8 billion of the 8 billion population include a monotheistic God. The other 4.2 billion take their religious practices and beliefs from their cultures. 1.1 billion of the 4.2 billion have no religion.

Although we have no proof that we are immortal, the level of complexity we observe suggests that our universe is designed and not random.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Monday, August 26, 2024

Freedom 8-26-24

Freedom is the Theme of the DNC Convention. 

Freedom to riot, participate in violent protests, break in and loot retail stores, commit crimes and be released without prosecuting their crimes, tear down historical statues and monuments, intimidate neighbors to vote Democrat and silence and imprison all who disagree. Freedom for Democrats to spend enough to bankrupt the country. This is the kind of Freedom Democrats are fighting for.

This amounts to their total freedom to destroy the freedom of all who disagree with their tyranny.

The US is divided by those who agree with the Democrats and those who are victimized by their policies. Democrat-leaning Polls show a tight race between Harris and Trump, but Issue Polls show Trump leading in Swing States.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Democrat Abuse 8-26-24

Democrats need to lose big in 2024. 

Democrats exercise brute force on US citizens. Democrats have increased Federal spending by $2 trillion/yr. and are threatening higher taxes if they are elected in 2024. They have ushered in 16 million illegal migrants since 2021 to take US jobs and become Democrat voters. These illegals include criminals and terrorists who are a danger to the US population. The cost to taxpayers is $150 billion per year and rising. Schools, Hospitals and Housing costs for illegals are mounting. US citizens in large cities are crowded out by the influx of illegals. Excessive Federal spending on the Climate Change Hoax has created 35% global inflation. Democrat Prosecutors refuse to jail criminals, who are released to commit more crimes. Left Wing Protestors are allowed to disrupt college classes by Left Wing Faculty, and commercial and residential areas by Left Wing City Counsels.

The Left Wing of the Democrat Party is a Pagan Religious Cult. Pagan religions were invented to provide simple, but incorrect answers to complex questions. Indoctrination is used to allow the Cult to form by silencing descent. Indoctrination is also used to convert students into becoming Social Activists.

School curricula has been dumbed down by failing to teach reading, writing and math. Students become addicted to social media where the goal is to become famous. Students do not receive the skills they will need to become independent adults.

US PISA Ranking 2022

Reading 9

Science 16

Math  34

In the 1980s US Students were confused by “New Math” and so were the Teachers.

In the 2000s US Students were confused by “Common Core” and so were the Teachers.

In 2020, US Students were not helped by Internet Schooling during COVID.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Sunday, August 25, 2024

US Federal Tax 8-25-24

2023 Standard Deduction $13,850 

Individual Tax Brackets         

Tax                                Actual Taxable Income  Tax

10%   0-11,000                  0                                  0

12%   11,001 – 44,725      0          -   30,875         3,705

22%   44,726-95,375         30.876 -   81,525       17,935

24%   95,376-182,100       81,526 – 168,250      40,380

32%   182,101-231,250    168,251 – 217,400     69.568

35%   231,251-578,125    217,401 – 564,275    197.496

37%   578-126-and UP     564,276 – and UP     208,782

Wealthier US citizens pay most of the taxes under Trump’s tax code that is up for grabs in 2025. Trump will likely ease up on those with lower incomes. Less than 1% of the US population earned over $500k. That is 3.5 million people in our of 340 million population. The average salary in 2023 was $59,384.

In 2022, 16.4% of US households had an annual income between $100,000 and $149,999, making up the largest share of the population. 37.1% of households earned at least $100,000, and over half (50.0%) earned less than $75,000. The median household income was $74,580. 

Household Income   %of Population

0-15000                    8.3%

15000-24999            7.4%

25000-34999           7.6%

35000-49999         10.6%

50000-74999         16.2%

75000-99999         12.3%

100000-149999     16.4%

150000-199999      9.2%

200000-and over  11.9%

23.3% of US households have a household income of less than $35,000 per year. Another 10.6% have a household income from $35,000 per year to $50,000 per year. These groups should get the biggest tax breaks through an increase in Standard Deduction and/or a reduction in the %Tax. They are probably living with family and/or being subsidized by family. Homeless Addicts are probably 10% of the population.

2024 Tax Brackets are published and show the tax bracket for incomes from $11,601 to $47,150 at 12%

The 2024 Standard Deduction is $11,600 for Single and $23,200 for married couples filing jointly.


The data above makes the case for Trump’s promise to reduce taxes and reduce prices in 2025.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Federal Government Abuse 8-25-24

Congress needs to tighten laws that allow for government abuse of the Private Sector. Declaring an emergency should be focused on Federal government and State agency assistance, not citizen control. 

Public Health Abuse

Tighter Federal Laws should be passed to ensure that citizens are told the side-effects of Virus Vaccines and have the right to refuse to get vaccinated. Allowing Governors the authority to be the final arbiters of public health events resulted in abuse during COVID that included closing businesses, closing schools, firing those who refused to be vaccinated, banning free speech and arresting citizens who resisted these draconian tactics.

Trump’s actions aimed at having the Pharma Companies provide the COVID Vaccine in less than 1 year and providing ventilators and having Military Logistics expedite virus delivery reset the bar for future virus deployment.

Ron DeSantis set the bar for Florida to concentrate on the data and respond correctly by focusing on the most vulnerable population over age 65 and those with pre-existing conditions.  

We knew that COVID would “morph” to become less lethal and more contagious. We knew that children were less vulnerable unless they had pre-existing conditions. 

We learned that COVID was “air-borne” and that only well-fitted N95 Masks were effective but were limited to 5 wearings.

We believe that COVID 19 came from the Biological Weapons Lab in Wuhan China. We believe that “gain of function” research should not be funded. We learned to quickly identify virus DNA and can determine the best way to treat it.

The Lessons Learned from COVID 19 should inform us to remove the abuse by Public Health Officials and allow US citizens the power to determine their own reactions to future viruses.

We know that citizen abuse was rampant during COVID 19. John Strand was jailed for 3.5 years for attempting to speak about COVID side-effects on January 6th.

In Patriot Plea, John Strand chronicles his harrowing experience as a political prisoner in America. From an impassioned patriot to a solitary cell, John’s journey on January 6th and beyond reveals the stark reality of a divided nation. With a foreword by Eric Metaxas and an afterword by Dr. Simone Gold, this powerful narrative sheds light on the fight for justice and freedom in today's America. Discover the personal struggles, unwavering faith, and relentless hope that define John's extraordinary story.

Author: John Strand
Foreword by: Eric Metaxas
Afterword by: Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Natural Gas Power Plants 8-24-24

The US needs to restore the 1000 gas power plants lost between 2019 and 2023. Europe has taken natural gas off their “greenhouse gas” list. 

As of December 2023, the United States has 987 natural gas power plants, more than any other country in the world. These plants have a combined capacity of nearly 530 gigawatts, which is also the largest in the world. In 2022, natural gas power plants accounted for 43% of the country's utility-scale electricity capacity, and generated 40% of the country's electricity. However, they also emitted 661 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is more than 13% of the country's energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. -google search.

In 2019 there were around 1900 natural gas power stations in the United States, of which about 800 belonged to electric utilities.[1] In 2019, these natural gas plants produced 38% of the United States electricity production, the highest percentage of any source

above coalnuclear and renewables.[2] Natural gas power stations opened at a fast rate throughout the 2010s, quickly replacing aging, dirty, and economically unviable coal-fired power stations, but by the early 2020s new plants were mostly wind and solar with only TexasOhio and Pennsylvania continuing to open significant numbers of gas plants.[3] – Wikipedia

US has 133 new gas-fired plants in the works, putting climate goals at risk | S&P Global Market Intelligence.- May 15, 2024- google search.

Nuclear Power Plants

As of December 2023, there are 93 operating nuclear power reactors in the United States. These reactors are located in 28 states, with 48 in the South, 22 in the Midwest, 18 in the Northeast, and six in the West. The average age of these reactors is about 42 years old, with the oldest being Nine Mile Point Unit 1 in New York, which began operating in 1969.

The last Nuclear Power Plant addition was completed by Georgia Power. The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia, southeast of Augusta, is the largest nuclear power plant in the United States, with a total generating capacity of nearly 5 gigawatts. The cost of the plant has increased significantly over the years, from an original estimate of $14 billion in 2009 to over $35 billion in 2024 – google search. Lessons learned during the construction of this addition should be used to reduce the cost of expanding the next series of nuclear power plants that will be needed.

The US electric grid is in need of expansion using natural gas and nuclear.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Election Integrity 8-24-24

The US needs to adopt Election Integrity laws that prevents hackers from changing votes in voter machines, prevents illegal migrants from voting, prevents voters from voting twice in different States, prevents dead people from voting, prevents ballot box stuffing and prevents ballot harvesting. This requires an open process that ensures that States clean their voter rolls, test their voting machines, limit drivers’ licenses to citizens only and ensures that only US citizens are able to vote. 

Democrats have used election fraud for decades. Lyndon Johnson was running for Congress in July

1946. He hired crews to vote for dead people and marked the voter registration lists accordingly. They covered every polling place in the district. Johnson won the primary with 68.52%. He ran unopposed and was reelected in November 1946. Democrats routinely use intimidation to get their neighbors to vote for Democrats. This was perfected by the labor unions who used the same tactics. Election workers are mostly Democrats.

Early voting begins in N Carolina in September 2024 with absentee ballots. N Carolina has a Democrat Governor. These ballots need to be vetted immediately to ensure that they were not altered. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Trumps Campaign Strategy 8-23-24

I approve of Trump’s strategy. His detractors have said Trump needs to talk more about the detail of his policies and refrain from attacking his Democrat opponents. They are wrong. Voters know his policies. What they don’t know is that Democrats would continue to spend us into bankruptcy and complete their takeover of the US private sector. They will continue to promise more “free stuff” that they won’t deliver.  This is their strategy, to promise “free stuff”. It establishes government-controlled socialism and “fundamentally transforms our Free Market Economy into a Government Controlled Economy. The next step is Communism. 

The US was designed to expand the Private Sector Economy where prices are determined by supply and demand and limit Government Control. In our Free Market Economy, prices are determined by supply and demand. Trump’s strategy is to reduce government regulations and lower taxes to restore our Private Sector Economy.  This also requires that government at all levels reduce spending to reduce inflation caused by money printing that supports government overspending. Federal overspending can be reduced by cutting grants to States and municipalities for harmful, wasteful and non-essential projects.

Trump will close the border and deport illegal migrants who entered the US from 2021 to 2024 back to their home countries and will finish the border wall. Deportations will begin with criminals, gang members and terrorists. Trump will end aid to countries who refuse to take their criminals back.

Trump will use reducing and withholding federal grants to States to remove Sanctuary States and Sancruary Cities, catch and release and refusal to prosecute crime.

Trump will withhold federal grants to Universities that allow disruptive protests. He may need to make Universities revoke tenure to remove Marxist faculty.

Political Free Speech needs to be redefined to ensure that Protestors are not allowed to march on streets and highways. Protest demonstrations need to be confined in stadiums and conference centers rented by their organizers and never allowed in residential or commercial areas.

Trump will close the US Department of Education to remove federal grants to States and put States in charge of Education.

Trump should reduce Grants to States to let States assume more responsibility to fund their own infrastructure. This will limit spending to critical infrastructure and eliminate unnecessary infrastructure funding.

Trump should remove federal grants from non-profits. They should get their funding from donations by supporters.

Trump will remove bribery from diplomacy and cut foreign aid. Other countries need to fund their own development.

Trump should consider quitting the UN. The Abraham Accords sets a better model for leading countries to take responsibility for troubled neighboring countries.

Trump has replaced war with “total economic isolation”. He will isolate Iran, Russia, North Korea and China to end wars in Israel and Ukraine and prevent China from taking Taiwan.

Soros should be deported to Russia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader