Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Personnel HR Functions 8-14-24

Small companies usually don’t have an HR Department. Company owners usually establish policy and include supervisors to perform some HR functions. Most of the functions described below are for large companies. 

Managing Compensation

Managing Compensation in an organization requires that you have access to information including current wage and salary survey data by job to know the average wage or salary for each job. This should be available through participation in surveys and should apply to your local area.  There are surveys accessible on-line to give you some idea of what averages by occupation are reported to be. These are National Averages, but the establishment of the “average wage and salary” needs to use local data.

The goal of managing compensation is to ensure that companies are paying the “going rate” to attract and retain employees with the skills and productivity they need.

Increases are determined by percentage. Companies look at inflation since the employee’s last increase and identify what other companies plan to offer.  For annual increases, the sum of the base salaries multiplied by the approved percent is the salary increase budget. Hiring Manages are given lists of employees including current rate and the midpoint of the grade they are in. Employees whose salaries are at the midpoint of their grade are considered to be paid “the going rate”. An algorithm can calculate the maximum salary increase budget for each Hiring Manager.

A good Performance appraisal will list all employee accomplishments for the period since their last increase. Employees should be responsible for listing these for themselves. Hiring Managers may comment on each accomplishment and attest to the accuracy of the accomplishment list. HR Reps should monitor these meetings.


Recruiters will need to determine where to post job openings. Recruiters will need to have job descriptions that include what each job will do, what products or services they will produce and what tools they will use. They will need to visit job sites to confirm the scope of the group’s duties and equipment. Skills tests may need to be added to the front end of the interview process. 

Applicants will need to respond to the Recruiters to confirm their interest in the jobs being posted. Some will need to fill out an application on line and others will be able to deliver their resumes to the Hiring Managers’ offices.

Most jobs are posted on Indeed and other posting services. Some are posted on the company website.

Employee Relations

HR is usually involved in employee relations and union avoidance. This requires the establishment of a “culture” in the company that ensures employee satisfaction with policies and fair treatment. It also involves relationships among employees from department to department. It is easier when employees are doing the work they are good at and love to do. This makes them happier and easier to work with.

Employees appreciate having the best tools and good maintenance of equipment and facilities. Employees also appreciate working for good managers.

Regulatory Compliance

HR normally ensures that the company operates in compliance with federal, state and local laws. These laws include employment laws, safety laws, environmental laws and worker’s compensation laws.

Policy Compliance

HR normally ensures that employees are following Company Policies. Supervisors typically report problems to HR.


Some HR groups offer training for appliance repair. Most HR groups offer indoctrination in DEI and Wokeism. All HR groups need to provide testing and counseling for employee development.


HR usually handles Benefit Programs and enrollment. HR also usually handles questions and resolves problems. These benefits usually include Medical, Life, Worker’s Comp and other insurance offered.

HR interfaces with Payroll and includes W-2 forms, accurate pay calculations, rate changes and job changes.


HR will need to transition back to supporting the reshoring of manufacturing to the US and drop DEI and their Woke identity.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



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