Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Saving Democracies from Themselves 8-20-24

The US is divided between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats have become a Socialist Cult using emotional indoctrination. Republicans are fighting to return to the US Constitution and Free Market Capitalism using hard data. The “Free Press” that was supposed to keep both sides honest have divided into Liberal and Conservative camps. As a Conservative Republican, I publish this Blog to make ‘dead brain tissue live again’. 

Europe is ahead of us in implementing the Climate Change Hoax. We’ve seen them pull back and declare that natural gas is not a “greenhouse gas”. France was smart and built Nuclear Power Plants before everybody else forgot how to build them. Europe started the Climate Change Hoax and we are watching them. Germany tried to move to wind and solar and doubled their electric bills. Europe is also “Liberal” and is vulnerable to oppressive taxes, failing government health services, excessive spending to support tourism and extra layers of governance for EU countries.

The Middle East is tied to a Muslim Culture that discriminates against women and all other religions and leaves them isolated.

Asia has its own cultures and has a mix of Asian religions.

73% of North Koreans report “no religion”, which means that they worship their dictator.

49% of Chinese report “no religion”, but their cherished traits are compassion, frugality, and humility.

Traditionally they have adopted philosophies that included meditation and simplicity. They are family oriented. They are basically pagans and worship multiple gods.

80% of Indians report as Hindu and 14% are Muslim. Hindus believe in reincarnation and have many gods.

87% of Indonesians report as Muslims. They are Sunni Muslims and women are allowed to be educated. They do adhere to Muslim dress codes.

Africa has tribal roots and has a mix of religions and tribal rules. As of August 2024, the three main religions in Africa are Christianity, Islam, and traditional faiths, with the following percentages: Christianity: 49.3%, Islam: 41.5%, Traditional faiths: 7.9%.

South American countries are vulnerable to Communist governments, because they have poor citizens who have been easily fooled with promises of “free stuff”.

The UN is not worth keeping. They invented the Climate Change Hoax and codified it in US Agenda 21.

Their assistance to underdeveloped countries is laced with unhelpful Left Wing Propaganda. The World Bank does the best job with underdeveloped countries, by ensuring that they adhere to their loan agreements and continue to lower their Debt to GDP.

Trump’s counsel to other countries includes: producing what they consume, put their citizens first, pursue reciprocal trade deals, use common sense and keep terror groups away from their borders.

The goal of Democracy is to have a well-informed electorate. Until that happens, bad things will occur.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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