Thursday, August 22, 2024

It’s Not Easy Being Green 8-22-24

The Green New Deal based on the Climate Change Hoax started with the Obama Administration in 2009. It was based on the acceptance of UN Agenda 21 by GHW Bush in 1989 and its implementation under Bill Clinton in 1993.

Obama Energy Plan

If your electric bill is currently $300 per month, Obama wants it to be $1500 a month. He wants us to pay $10,000 more for a new car, so there won’t be so many people driving cars. He wants us to reduce our use of oil from the current 18,000 barrels per day to the 5,000 bbl/d we now produce in the U.S. He wants to increase CAFÉ standards to add $10,000 in increased cost to a new car by 2016. All of this, we are told is because carbon in the atmosphere will produce global warming....right.

Global Warming Scam

In Georgia, we have coal and nuclear electrical generating plants here in Georgia and they cost 2 cents per kilowatt hour to produce electricity. Natural gas costs 6 cents per kwh. Wind and solar cost over 10 cents per kwh or more.. Look it up on the internet. We don’t want to increase the cost of our electricity five- fold because the UN perpetrated the “global warming – climate change” scam. We’ve already paid enough for that hoax, thank you.

Recent studies from U of A Huntsville indicate that carbon is not trapped in our atmosphere causing anything. It is released into outer space. Our planet is as tough as we thought it was and our federal government is as dumb as we thought it was and the U.N. is as corrupt as we thought it was..

We need to close the federal energy apparatchik. That would cut $24.154 billion from the federal budget. Maybe wind and solar will work in the west, but even those utilities should wait until the technology exists to deliver it for the same price as coal and nuclear.

Oil Drilling Bans

Despite the pile of evidence discrediting the global warming scam, government has accelerated its implementation of carbon capture down to the city council level. Government has forced U.S. oil production to decline from 10,000 bbd to 5,000 bbd using wildlife preserve purchases, stealing land from states for more national park land, bogus endangered species excuses, drilling bans and snail’s-pace processing of permits, leases and compliance certificates.

Making Cars More Expensive

The new CAFÉ standards will require auto manufacturers to increase the MPG standard for cars from 27.5 mpg to 37.8 mpg in 2016 will add $10,000 to the sticker price of a new car. Half will be the real cost of redesign and the other half will be a stealth inflation adjustment.

Trains, Buses and Transit Villages

The Environmental lobby likes public transit; they hate cars. They started this in the 1960s before lead-free gasoline. Since then, cars have become less polluting than buses or trains, but that didn’t dissuade them. Like a federal program started 100 years ago and no longer needed, it lives on. This hatred of cars found a home in the 1992 U.N. Sustainable Planet meetings that created U.S. Agenda 21 Now the reason to hate cars is an excuse to get us all herded into transit villages after the global government has taken away our land and property rights. Now they like trains best and want to build lots of them. To make sure somebody moves into these transit villages, HUD, another unsustainable government program is ready to convert these apartments in the transit villages into Section 8 subsidized HUD housing, despite warnings from the UK not to put subsidized housing next to your shopping malls.

Sovereignty Lost

The Obama government has offered us a $1 to 2 billion bribe if we agree to tax ourselves an extra $4 billion to give MARTA new trains and buses and double their footprint First we had to establish regional commissions to control our transportation taxes. The establishment of these Regional Commissions undermines city and county sovereignty.

Use Less

Government wants you to use less of everything. Being molested by the TSA at the airport will give you some idea of the methods they will use to get you to use less of everything.

Use Less Water

Government is ignoring the need to expand water capacity in the U.S. despite the need for flood abatement in the upper Midwest and drought protection in the South. Government has regulations in the pipeline to dictate your use of water, electricity and natural gas an make your utility services more expensive. Government thinks you use too much of everything, so they will force you to use less; then the utilities will increase their prices to recover the loss of revenue, because you used less. I just want to beat my head against a wall..

Use Less Electricity

The EPA is planning to drive coal electrical power plants out of business with very expensive carbon emissions standards. We currently get most of our electricity from these plants. They would require utilities to install thermostats in your home the utility can control to make sure you don’t use too much electricity or gas. You won’t decide how warm or cool your house is or how hot your water can get.. The government will decide that for you. Next is how much water you can use and if you will be required to spend thousands of dollars to replace all of your toilets with low water use toilets, insulation, windows and other items before you will be allowed to sell your house. You will be forced to comply with their arbitrary notions of water and energy conservation They are going direct to our electric utilities to force them to build wind and solar electricity generating capability and capacity that will increase our electric bills five-fold.

Less Home Ownership

In California, the cost of compliance with their environmental regulations averaged $36,000 per home. These regulations usually start with a tax deduction for having things done to your home that you would ordinarily not do without a tax deduction – unnecessary things with minimal benefit. They end with an ordinance that mandates these unnecessary “environmental” modifications or they won’t let you sell your house. The federal government already owns most of the home loans in the U.S.

Use Less Living Space
Government wants us crowded in small apartments in transit villages next to public transit train stations. They first need to spend our economy into oblivion, so unemployment reaches 50%. We will lose our homes and need to rent a cheap apartment somewhere. They want to make heating and cooling costs so expensive we will only be able to afford utilities for 1000 square feet for the family. We will not be able to keep our cars. The Atlanta Regional Transportation Plan builds transit villages.

City Councils

Be wary of city council approved land use master plans loaded with environmental overreach and abuses of private property and eminent domain. The methods, and models they use ignore private property rights. If you don’t stop this trend at the city level, you may soon have no property rights. Remember to get permission from the city before you have any trees in your yard removed. It’s not a joke, it’s real.

State & County Government

States and counties are accustomed to receiving federal dollars in exchange for squandering their own tax revenues on low use, high maintenance, unnecessary transit. The current $1 billion round of federal grants for transit are viewed by many as the last of the federal grants. They believe Obama will be replaced by a Republican in 2013 and grants to states for transit will end. They know grants will end, because our $3.8 trillion in federal spending is succeeding in permanently stalling the economy and holding federal revenues at $2.2 trillion. They haven’t thought through the future cost of operating and maintaining these heavily subsidized, low use public transit systems taxpayers will be saddled with forever. These elected officials need to be replaced.

U.N. Agenda 21

The U.N. decided that we need to reduce the global population by ensure a sustainable planet. They want open borders, a one world government with them in charge, They want to usurp our national sovereignty. They want 90% of our land to be a global government owned wildlife preserve. They want to crowd those who survive the global depopulation to live in crowded transit villages in large urban cities. Travel will be prohibited. They will need more of our money to fully implement this plan.

Take Action

To get in the mood, rent these Movies: Dr. Zhivago, Logan’s Run, Orwell’s 1984, The Island 2005, Rollerball, Soylent Green, Mad Max, V, Farenheit 451, A Clockwork Orange, Code 46, Americathon 1979, To take action you should VOTE NO on any future Bond Issues or tax increases and throw most of your elected officials out of office.

NTL Conservative BlogSeptember 30 2011

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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