Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Being Human 8-27-24

Human anatomy, self-healing capabilities and instincts are similar to other mammals. Medical Research uses animals to test drugs and treatments to ensure safety prior to clinical trials. Many animals have been domesticated and are raised on farms to provide food for humans. Cows produce milk used to make butter and cheese and are also a source of meat. Chickens produce eggs and are also used as food. Pigs are raised to produce food. Protein is necessary for Humans and most of it comes from eating meat and fish. Protein also comes from milk, cheese and eggs. We share the need for water, rest, sleep, security, healing and shelter. 

Our shared instincts include reproduction and nesting. We are territorial when our survival is at risk. We choose flight or fight when we feel unsafe. We share raising our off-spring until they are ready to leave the nest.

Being Human brings skills not shared with our fellow mammals. Humans have been blessed with the ability to develop language, writing, problem solving, inventions and technological innovations. Over the past 10,000 years we have developed new tools for hunting and discoveries like metallurgy. Humans have managed to improve our standard of living and expanded our life expectancy. What began as trade between tribes has become global trade between countries. Our understanding of Science, the Earth and the Universe has expanded over the past 200 years.

Our current concerns are economic as we try to find jobs for 8 billion people. Developed countries have jobs in large cities, but the need for jobs is in the rural areas. The poorest countries are in Africa, the Middle East and South America. The wealthiest countries include the US, Europe and parts of Asia.

In 2023, Canada's total health care spending was expected to be $344 billion, or $8,740 per person, which is about 12.1% of the country's GDP.  The population in Canada was 40.1 million.

In 2023, the UK's healthcare expenditure was estimated to be around £292 billion, which is a 5.6% increase in nominal terms, but a 1.4% decrease when adjusted for inflation.  Population in the UK was 67.6 million.

In 2023, healthcare spending in the United States is projected to have increased 7.5% to $4.8 trillion. 

The US population was 335 million. Medicare fraud costs $60B/yr. Medical Insurance coverage needs to be paired back to include costs that are “medically necessary” to rescue and repair. Patients need to study nutrition and weight control.

The leading causes of death in 2023 were:

Heart Disease




Lower Respiratory







Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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