Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stop Internet Takeover

SECRET NEW INTERNET RULES LOOM FOR AMERICANS, Posted on February 28, 2015 Written by
Feds look to adopt 322 pages of fresh taxes, reg­u­la­tions; FCC Chair Refuses to Tes­tify before Congress
Another wild power-grab. Power with­out account­abil­ity.  The net is the very last fron­tier for free speech.
Despite google algo­rithms that con­sis­tently ren­der day in day out, year in year out always ren­der left-wing sites on  first page search results;
Despite fil­ters that block my site and sites like mine (
Jihad Watch, The Reli­gion of Peace, Creep­ing Sharia, Sharia Unveiled, et al) at work, school, and even US army bases and gov­ern­ment agen­cies;
Despite search engines refus­ing to include news sites like mine in the news searches;
Despite the fact that the main­stream broad­cast and print media, with the excep­tion of the tepid Fox News, are noto­ri­ously left;
Despite the fact that we are a mere fly buzzing around the mam­moth head of the main­stream media;
Despite the fact that they should win by over­whelm­ing num­bers because it’s David vs. Goliath;
They fail, because their ideas fail. Which is why they must destroy us.
“The issue is not slav­ery for a “good” cause ver­sus slav­ery for a “bad” cause; the issue is not dic­ta­tor­ship by a “good” gang ver­sus dic­ta­tor­ship by a “bad” gang. The issue is free­dom ver­sus dic­ta­tor­ship.” — Ayn Rand
FCC Chair Refuses to Tes­tify before Con­gress ahead of Net Neu­tral­ity Vote, The Cor­ner, Feb­ru­ary 25, 2015
by Andrew John­son Feb­ru­ary 25, 2015 (thanks to Van)
Two promi­nent House com­mit­tee chairs are “deeply dis­ap­pointed” in Fed­eral Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mis­sion chair­man Tom Wheeler for refus­ing to tes­tify before Con­gress as “the future of the Inter­net is at stake.” Wheeler’s refusal to go before the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee on Wednes­day comes on the eve of the FCC’s vote on new Inter­net reg­u­la­tions per­tain­ing to net neu­tral­ity. The committee’s chair­man, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jason Chaf­fetz (R., Utah), and Energy and Com­merce Com­mit­tee chair­man Fred Upton (R., Mich.) crit­i­cized Wheeler and the admin­is­tra­tion for lack­ing trans­parency on the issue. “So long as the chair­man con­tin­ues to insist on secrecy, we will con­tinue call­ing for more trans­parency and account­abil­ity at the com­mis­sion,” Chaf­fetz and Upton said in a state­ment. “Chair­man Wheeler and the FCC are not above Con­gress.” The vote on the new Inter­net reg­u­la­tions is sched­uled for Thurs­day. The FCC’s two Repub­li­can com­mis­sion­ers have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the com­mis­sion to reg­u­late the Inter­net like a pub­lic util­ity, set­ting new stan­dards that require the pro­vi­sion of equal access to all online content.

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