Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ending Anchor Babies

Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution, 8/19/15

The argument that an illegal alien can step into the United States, claim legal and political jurisdiction, and confer citizenship to their child is insane.
People claiming to be Constitutional experts saying that the 14th Amendment allows birthright citizenship are dead wrong.
The 14th Amendment didn’t even give citizenship to Native Americans, why would it give citizenship to illegal aliens?
The Constitution is on our side in a second way: Article 1 Section 8, which grants plenary power to Congress to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
We’re tired of being told someone can come into our country illegally, claim citizenship, and we’re told there’s nothing we can do about it. We have policies that promote illegal aliens and illegal alien children more than the American citizen and American child – we’re committing national suicide.

I think Mark Levin is right on this one.  Congress needs to pass a bill to define “Born” and take control of immigration. Congress needs to gather up the pieces of their job they have given away and do their job. Next, Congress can pass a bill to end all government welfare for non-citizens.  Later they can pass a bill to define “Life” and off-shore abortion for good.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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