Friday, September 18, 2015

Free energy from the wind and sun?

In this pair of articles CFACT advisor Larry Bell calls attention to the myths and realities of so-called "renewable" energy. Wind and solar sound good — until you dig into the facts.
As Larry Bell reports, a 2013 report "estimates that New York’s first 15 wind farms operating in 2010 produced about the equivalent of a single 450 MW gas-fired combined cycle generating unit operating only at 60% capacity which can be built at about one-fourth of the capital cost.
The quality of that power isn’t any bargain either. Unlike coal and natural gas-fired plants, which provide reliable power when needed — including peak demand times — wind turbines only produce electricity intermittently as variable daily and seasonal weather conditions permit regardless of demand."
The economics underlying intermittent, inefficient solar and wind just don't add up.  The truth is that they mainly exist to rake in the subsidies.
We're constantly told that affordable, efficient "renewables" are just around the corner.  Sadly, they never arrive.  Until and unless the technology makes them competitive they are a burden we cannot afford.  Germany, Denmark, Spain and others have already dramatically increased their electricity rates, in some cases by double or more. We should not repeat their mistakes. For nature and people too,
Craig Rucker, Executive Director

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