Friday, November 11, 2016

Bolshevik Protest Marches

The Democrat voter protests ring hollow. They lack the demand for jobs and prosperity and perceived abuse employed in 1915 and 1933.

The Bolsheviks and NAZI Brown Shirts succeeded because they did protest their lack of jobs and prosperity and had been abused by the needless World War I. Germans also felt abused by the Treaty of Versailles. The Germans were attracted by Hitler’s promise of jobs and when he succeeded, they were hooked.  Running the Jews out of Germany didn’t bother the Germans.  They also overlooked Hitler’s lawlessness, megalomania and obvious brutality. They excused it as “strong leadership”. They had lost World War I and Hitler was giving them a chance to win World War II.

The Bolshevik Revolution (1915-1918) was hollow, but was violent enough to subdue normal Russians into submission. The murder of Czar Nicholas and his family ensured that Russia would not return to monarchy. The real bloodbath occurred later with the extermination of millions of dissidents who realized how unsustainable ownership of everything by “the people” would be.  

The current US Communist protests of 2016 will fail because the American Communists have used flawed approaches. Their Bolsheviks are wimps, college students taught by 1960s flower children. Our students have been indoctrinated in political correctness, excessive environmentalism, misplaced tolerance, angst and conditioned hypersensitivity, seasoned with chronic demands of entitlement and sympathy. They are delusional. They are unable to deal with facts. They are cult victims who were brainwashed into the Liberal Religion. They are the antithesis of the kind of brutality that is usually required to cow the populous into submission.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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