Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Crap Sandwich Corruption

Draining the swamp can’t wait for a Term Limits Amendment to be ratified by the States. There is an extra $trillion in waste and unconstitutional abuse buried in the federal budget.

If we can agree that government, healthcare and education are overpriced we need to allow the free market to reset their price. The goal is to have consumers determine the price based on supply and demand without tax subsidies.  


Government is spending tax dollars to undermine citizens’ property rights with lawsuits, land grabs, water grabs and by unconstitutionally holding one third of the landmass hostage as “federal lands”. These “lands” need to be given back to the States to restore the land for productive use and end the annual forest fire festival. The endangered species act can be replaced by a few state wildlife preserves and fish farms. 

Voters can take their government back if they can remove special interest control.  Campaign finance reform should only allow registered voters to make campaign contributions and only to candidates who appear on their ballot. Corporations, labor unions and special interest groups can exercise their political voice on their own websites and with their own ads.

All government grants and subsidies need to be removed. Federal grants to non-profits are supporting liberal subversive activities. Federal research grants are subsidizing campaign contributor research.

The federal grants that go to States to implement UN Agenda 21 are bribes to hoodwink legislatures to entice counties and cities to squander their own tax revenue on bike lanes, multiuse trails and public transit. Grants from federal agencies that go to Universities to produce junk science to keep the global warming hoax alive are also bribes. Grants to public schools allow federal agencies to advance Communist goals. 


Health Savings Accounts will allow consumers to self-insure their healthcare expenses. We can introduce co-pays for all healthcare procedures so that nothing is free.  We can make all healthcare expenses tax deductible.


Education needs to return to the states to remove liberal propaganda and social engineering and replace it with more reading, writing and math.  States would be free to experiment with cost reduction strategies using the internet, homeschooling, vouchers and comprehensive exams for self-learners.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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