Saturday, November 12, 2016

Draining the Swamp

Using the 10th Amendment to force the US Federal government to comply with the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence (as written) will take Trump a long way toward reducing the size and scope of the federal government. It involves getting the corruption out of government. 

Draining the swamp is different from Trump’s action plans to lower taxes and reduce immigration and regulations. It will include identifying misinterpreted court opinions and conflicting laws, regulations, political correctness and mandates.

Sharia law should be banned because it seeks to usurp US Law. Illegal and refugee immigration need to be exposed as an invasion that will damage American culture and established political structures.

Repealing bad laws that force lenders to give mortgages to unqualified buyers is needed.  Stopping the Muslim plan to destroy our government by using our unnecessary anti-discrimination laws will be needed. Canceling Clinton’s Executive Order to implement UN Agenda 21 will end citizen and voter abuse. Federal departments and agencies will no longer engage in land and water grabs. States can repeal their establishment of Regionalism that includes the Wilding Program that empties out rural counties.

Draining the swamp includes reforming House and Senate rules that impede the proper functioning of the Congress. Offering amendments to bills needs to be tightened so that pork isn’t loaded on to popular bills. The filibuster and other rules tricks that delay votes should also be removed. Sending a Constitutional Amendment to the States to impose term limits is the Constitutional way to achieve this improvement.

Draining the swamp includes getting the money out of politics.  This will actually require putting voters in control of elections by eliminating special interest money from campaign contributions. Voters would be the only group allowed to make campaign contributions and only for those candidates who would appear on their ballot. All these elected officials would need is a complete website with their bio, positions on issues, past votes and scores and some traveling money. Elected officials would no longer need to spend most of their time fundraising. They should spend all of their time rewriting regulations.

Draining the swamp will also require the removal of Communist and Muslim propaganda from public schools and colleges to give students a chance to deprogram from their cult-inspired brainwashing.  They will need courses that teach the law of supply and demand to know how much the costs of healthcare, government and public education need to be reduced.  They will need courses that teach science facts rather than science fiction. They will need a course on UN Agenda 21 from their own book, the leaked emails and their retreat to UN Agenda 2030.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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