Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Saving US Education

US Public Education is completely “Liberal”. It is also overpriced. There are some conservative enclaves, but they are too scattered and small. State and property tax funds operate most US public schools and they are in a position to affect the needed changes. Federal funds should be reduced as much as possible and will force cost reductions.

Public school teachers should not be unionized, because it creates the inevitable left-wing politicization in the curriculum.

In State university systems, our current course offerings, text books and professors need to be replaced.

Free market economics needs to be taught using Austrian economics offered by Mises.org. Science needs to be taught that is based on proven facts, not junk science liberal political propaganda. 

Professors who do not teach should not receive any funding from taxes or tuition.

Communists began infiltrating US schools and universities as early as 1900, when too many American elites read the Communist Manifesto and became “Progressives”. Their case for ignoring the US Constitution was the contrived “fear” that Marxism was being demanded by the masses. World War I ended the monarchy in Russia and Communists infiltrated US labor unions and were demanding socialist programs.  When “Progressives” embraced this view, they were abandoning private property rights, the free market and the seeds of our own demise as a meritocracy. The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 guaranteed the money printing that caused the Great Depression stock bubble.  When it broke, it offered “Progressives” the added excuse to further enlarge the US federal government footprint in the 1930s.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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