Wednesday, June 14, 2017

EU Abuse for Refusing Refugees

EU launches legal action against 3 countries refusing refugees, by Ann Corcoran, 6/14/17

Invasion of  Europe news….President Trump is going to Poland on July 6th. Time could not be better! (Trump visiting PNA in September 2016.) 

Here is a short bit at the Independent: The European Commission says it is launching legal action against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for failing to take in refugees under a legally binding sharing plan agreed by the European Union.

The Commission said Tuesday in a statement that it has repeatedly urged the three countries to relocate refugees or at least pledge to do so.

But it said they have not taken action “in breach of their legal obligations,” and that it “has decided to launch infringement procedures” on Wednesday.

A longer article at The Guardian says this.  Sure looks like nobody wants to take in more refugees. Gee, I wonder why!

Out of 160,000 refugees due to be taken under the scheme agreed in 2015, only 20,869 have been relocated. In theory, countries can be fined for every refugee in the quota they fail to accept.

Lots of ‘fining’ coming soon….Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

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