Kupelian reveals marketing techniques that turn 'losers' into jihadis, by
Joe Wilson, 6/8/17, WND
WASHINGTON – In the wake of the
latest wave of terror attacks across the UK and Europe, more people than ever
are wondering aloud how young people in the West are so easily recruited into
committing the most heinous, barbaric, evil acts imaginable.
In a recent interview, veteran
journalist and best-selling author David Kupelian explained the tactics and
techniques jihadist groups, including ISIS and al-Qaida, use to persuade people
to embrace the deranged belief that the creator of the universe requires them
to murder innocent people or else they will go to hell. The interview was
conducted by Susan Knowles on her “Stand for Truth” podcast.
The main trick, said Kupelian,
managing editor of WND and author of several culture-war classics
including “The
Marketing of Evil,” is in conjuring up a
counterfeit religious martyrdom experience and selling it to people as the real
After all, Kupelian explained,
“there is something about sacrificing your life” that is
uniquely noble. “Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper, said ‘I give you a final
commandment, and that is that you love one another as I have loved you.’ And
then he said, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life
for his friends.'” The point, said Kupelian, is that genuinely sacrificing
one’s life for God and for one’s fellow man – for example, he said, “the
soldier falling on a grenade to protect his fellow soldiers” – is arguably a
human being’s highest calling. “We celebrate self-sacrifice and genuine
martyrdom and courage … [as being] higher than any other value.”
Therefore, if the local imam,
jihadist or ISIS recruitment video “can create an evil cousin of [martyrdom and
courage] that has the appearance of standing up for God, and sacrificing for
God, and for your faith, and for goodness, and laying down your life … then
that is going to be appealing” to vulnerable people, Kupelian argued.
Asked if there is a particular
category of people radical Islam appeals to, Kupelian said: “There’s one thing
that’s necessary for this: You have to be really, really angry. This doesn’t work unless you’re angry.”
Jihadist recruitment within America’s prisons has been a huge problem over the
years, Kupelian noted, precisely because many convicts are – to use Donald
Trump’s recent term for jihadists – “‘losers’ – and are angry.”
To such angry, guilty and
directionless people, ISIS offers an exciting deal, which Kupelian capsulizes
into the quintessential jihad sales pitch: “You’re a sinner, young man,” headed
for hell. But “if you go and commit jihad, before the first drop of blood is
shed from your body, you’ll be instantly transported to paradise with 72
virgins. And, all of your family, who are also sinners, will also go to heaven
too. We’re including them all in on the deal. This is a great deal.”
Another powerful factor in jihad
recruitment is consistent with one of the most basic principles of modern
marketing: “Sex sells,” said Kupelian, recounting some of the many products
that have traditionally been marketed, from liquor to cars, all by juxtaposing
the product with beautiful women.
Likewise, he said, “Jihad is sold
that way” – with a promise of sex. The fantastic sell-it-with-sex sales pitch,
he said, is essentially this: “If you kill a bunch of innocent people that
never did anything to you, the creator of the universe will give you endless
sex with 72 virgins in heaven.” Added Kupelian, “I couldn’t even make up a more
insane premise than that, [but] that is what millions of people believe.”
Of course, not all jihadis are
recruited in the West. In some Middle Eastern countries, radicals are
programmed and nurtured from a young age to carry out what they are taught is
the work of Allah. Kupelian detailed the especially despicable tactics used to
target children in Palestinian areas, using benign characters including Mickey Mouse to
promote suicide bombing and jihad.
“We’ve seen the YouTube videos of
beautiful little three, four-year-old girls talking about how they want to stab
a Jew. … Why? ‘Because the Jews are Satan’s children and they took our land.’
They are literally brainwashing these beautiful children from birth,” said
“In the West, it’s different,” said
Kupelian, who noted that many jihadists – like Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen,
who murdered 49 – were the children of Muslim immigrants, in Mateen’s case from
Afghanistan. “There’s a lesson there,” Kupelian said. “They come here, we open
up our national home to them, [but] they don’t love it, they don’t assimilate,
they don’t absorb our values.”
This failure to assimilate has led
to a shocking
statistic, said Kupelian: “Fifty-one
percent of Muslims polled living in the U.S. now say that they want to live
under Shariah law.”
Several months ago, Kupelian
published an in-depth
exposé of the most notorious jihad recruiter in the world, Anwar al-Awlaki, including both his specific techniques for mesmerizing
unsuspecting youths and his own secret sex scandal that led directly to his own
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