Friday, July 27, 2018

Personal Sovereignty

Citizens need to be able to exercise their personal sovereignty and be able to move around with greater ease and few encumbrances.

Those financial structures that discourage free movement should be removed and replaced with more portable systems.  When defined benefit pension plans were imposed in response to pleas from employees to have employers subsidize their retirement plans, mobility was low.  Tax laws encouraged tribal compensation schemes and we had no portable plans until the 401K was introduced in the 1980s. The US has been very slow to react and proposed health savings account system is still tied to tax law on the same basis as the 401K. Account holders do own these accounts, but the money they set aside is “tax deferred”. Defined Benefit Pension Plans are exploding because they are all Ponzi schemes and Social Security is functioning but it is another unsustainable Ponzi scheme.

The US needs to get government out of everything better handled by the People and return it to the free market where supply and demand can control the prices. The question is when and how to move out of these Communist systems and allow individuals to own their own plans and be able to take them anywhere. Socialist benefit systems are unsustainable and need to be individually controlled.

Citizens need to be able to move to other countries based on what they could contribute to these countries. That should require that they own their retirement plans. They should be free to become citizens of those countries they prefer.

All citizens should know that there are “civic duties” required of all citizens that includes national loyalty, free expression, being informed enough to participate, good judgment and obedience to laws.  

National loyalty in itself is a deterrent to war.  If potential aggressors don’t believe we are committed to defend our borders and our economy, they will be tempted to strike. This is a current problem with countries who don’t respect their own borders.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader  

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