Saturday, July 28, 2018

Soybean Price

The price of Soybeans dropped from $10.11/bu in June 2018 to $8.11/bu in July 2018. It has recovered by $8.53/bu as of 7/27/18.

China imports over 90 million metric tons of soybeans and Europe imports over 15 million metric tons of soybeans. The other counties who import soybeans include Mexico 4.3m, Japan 3.3m, Thailand 3.15m, Egypt 2.8m, Indonesia 2.6m, Taiwan 2.4m others 26.21m.

China has a stockpile of soybeans and doesn’t need to import soybeans at the rate they have been importing. China’s tariff on US soybeans was an easy decision for China. They were already increasing their production in China to reduce their own imports.

This soybean saga gives us a good example of commodity trading. The buyers in this case can get soybeans at $8.58/bu. and may be able to sell them for $10/bu. That’s a one-time windfall profit for the buyers. The sellers will sell to at least get something for their soybeans.

Soybean farmers claim their break-even cost is $10/bu. and they find themselves selling their soybeans below cost by $1.50/bu. The additional $12 billion support fund should go to these farmers.

In 2017, global soybean exports totaled 350 million metric tons or 12,859 bushels. One metric ton of soybeans contains 36.74 bushels. The big producers are the US and Brazil.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader  

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