Friday, January 3, 2025

Debt to GDP by Country 1-3-25

 Country      %Debt/GDP 2020 to 2024 

                     2020     2024

Venezuela    350%    241%

Japan           266%    264%

Sudan          259%    186%

Greece         206%    173%

Lebanon      172%     151%

Cabo Verdi  157%     127%

Italy             156%     142%

Libya           155%       90%

Portugal       134%      94%

Singapore    131%     173%

Bahrain        128%     127%

US               128%     129%


Reducing the US National Debt to $36 trillion and reducing it from current levels is the only way to avoid further damaging the US Economy.

The first order of business is to deport illegals, bring manufacturing back to the US and reduce Corpoorate and Individual Income Taxes. Inflation will subside as we increase oil and natural gas production to increase the global supply and lower energy costs

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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