Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Abusive Public Schools in Georgia

Mom Arrested, Shackled, Jailed Because Her Honor Roll Son Had 3 Unexcused Absences at School, Posted on May 20, 2015 Written by
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Screven County, Geor­gia – Mother and sub­sti­tute teacher Julie Giles was arrested this week because her son had too many unex­cused absences from pub­lic school.
Writ­ing on her Face­book page before turn­ing her­self in, Giles said “If any­one feels the need to go pub­lic with this feel free to do so….the facts are Sam orig­i­nally had what they con­sider 12 unex­cused absences, 6 are allowed per year, so he had 6 more than is accept­able, but the doc­tor reis­sued 3 excuses that Sam didn’t turn in, so basi­cally I am being arrested for THREE days.
She also noted that her child has all A’s and B’s in school.
WTOC’s Don Logana con­tacted Screven County Schools Super­in­ten­dent William Bland, who told him that the school dis­trict is work­ing within the law.
“It’s impor­tant for these chil­dren to be in school and I think the courts rec­og­nize that,” he said.
Logana also learned dur­ing his inves­ti­ga­tion that sev­eral other par­ents have been con­victed for the same offense at this school this year alone.
Luck­ily, Giles was quickly released, but now she will still need to appear in court to defend herself.
“I am home. I was actu­ally placed in ankle shack­les!! I was told that doing so is pro­ce­dure. I was respect­ful and fol­lowed direc­tions. Sher­iff Mike Kile allowed me to leave after being booked and pho­tographed with­out hav­ing to call a bonds­man. I will call tomor­row to get my court date. Thanks for the sup­port!!” Giles wrote to WTOC when she returned home.
This is what pub­lic edu­ca­tion looks like in a police state.
What Georgia law allows this to happen ?
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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