Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Secret TPP

What law says the text of the TPP must remain secret? Posted on May 16, 2015 Written by Jon Rappoport,
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To the US Con­gress: reveal the con­tents of the TPP now
It seems like a case of mass hyp­no­sis. Peo­ple claim­ing they can’t say what’s in the TPP trade agree­ment. And main­stream media accept this premise. “That’s right. Con­gress must stay silent.”
Pop quiz: who says the text of the TPP must remain secret? Under what authority?
Mem­bers of Con­gress are scut­tling around like weasels, claim­ing they can’t dis­close what’s in this far-reaching, 12-nation trade treaty. They can go into a sealed room and read a draft, but they can’t copy pages, and they can’t tell the pub­lic what they just read. Why not?
If there is a US law for­bid­ding dis­clo­sure, name the law. Can you recall any­thing in the Con­sti­tu­tion that estab­lishes secret treaties? Is there a prior treaty that states the text of all treaties can be hid­den from the people? I see no author­ity any­where that jus­ti­fies with­hold­ing the text of the TPP. Gov­ern­ment leg­is­la­tors in the other 11 nations: why can’t you reveal what’s in the TPP?
Mass silence around the world. “Sorry, we can’t say what’s in the treaty. We’ll vote on it, but you the peo­ple have no input. You have to take what we do on faith.” Who says so? By what authority?
If a US Sen­a­tor held a press con­fer­ence today and explained every­thing he read in that sealed room about the TPP, what exactly would hap­pen to him? Would he be arrested? Would he be charged with a fed­eral crime? What crime?
If he used his cell phone to take pic­tures of pages of the TPP, and came out of the room and sent the pic­tures to 500 press out­lets, what would happen? Would the DOJ roll a few tanks up to his house and put him in cuffs? Would he be placed on trial?
If so, on what charge? Would the trial itself be secret? Or would every­one sud­denly look at each other and say, “We never real­ized it before, but the emperor has no clothes!”
What would hap­pen if a Sen­a­tor went into the sealed room, picked up the whole TPP text or the lap­top on which it’s stored, bulled his way out of the room, passed the text to his secu­rity staff, and had them for­ward every page to a few hun­dred media out­lets around the world?
Would DHS agents shoot these peo­ple in broad day­light, just to pro­tect the inter­ests of David Rock­e­feller and his Glob­al­ist heavy hitters? Why haven’t the New York Times, the Wash­ing­ton Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, the BBC and other out­lets run major sto­ries that detail under what pre­cise author­ity the TPP text is being kept secret? What are we miss­ing here?
Is it sim­ply that a bunch of national lead­ers and cor­po­rate big shots and trade rep­re­sen­ta­tives nod­ded and said: “Keep the text a secret”? Did they arbi­trar­ily give the TPP nego­ti­at­ing process a name, a label, with the word “author­ity” in it?
I just met with myself and decided to estab­lish The Naked TPP Author­ity. I gave it pri­macy over all other nego­ti­at­ing bod­ies, and by its dec­la­ra­tion, the full text of the TPP must be pub­lished for the whole world to see, for two years, before any fur­ther votes take place. There. It’s done.
I fully believe my Naked Author­ity car­ries more Con­sti­tu­tional jus­ti­fi­ca­tion than the cur­rent scheme, which is clearly criminal.
US Con­gress­man: “I’m sorry, my lips are sealed, I’m bound, I can’t reveal what’s in the treaty that will adversely affect the lives of hun­dreds of mil­lions of people.”
“Wrong. You’re lying. You can reveal secret text. In fact, it’s your duty. Oth­er­wise, you’re guilty of coop­er­at­ing in a RICO crim­i­nal con­spir­acy. Now, let’s start at the begin­ning. Who told you that you had to remain silent? What US law did they cite? Take your time. We’ll stay here as long as it takes.”
Arti­cle 2, Sec­tion 2, Clause 2 of the US Con­sti­tu­tion states: “[The Pres­i­dent] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Con­sent of the Sen­ate, to make Treaties, pro­vided two thirds of the Sen­a­tors present concur…”
Noth­ing there about secret treaties. Noth­ing there about the Pres­i­dent hav­ing the dis­cre­tion to keep the text of treaties secret.
Of course, a Pres­i­dent could argue that treaties, if exposed to the light of day prior to a Sen­ate vote, would face so much crit­i­cism and cross-talk that they would never pass. But that’s a prac­ti­cal issue and prob­lem. It’s called “free speech.” It’s also some­times called “dissent.”
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